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Clear Filters

Does anyone know why this script isnt working?

2 views (last 30 days)
The Merchant
The Merchant on 4 Dec 2019
Commented: Rik on 4 Dec 2019
close all;
xy = [
3 12
10 8
11 14
13 16
9 19
1 15
2 4
6 1
11 3
16 5
14 17
19 18
yeet = convexhull(xy,0);
function k=convexhull(xy,display) ;
%CONVEXHULL Calculate convex hull
% CMP Vision Algorithms
% Find the convex hull of a set of N points in 2D
% : we implement
% Graham's classic scan algorithm
% which
% has optimal (N log N) complexity. The main data structure of
% Graham's scan is a stack, which can be emulated with reasonable
% efficiency in Matlab
% using arrays.
% Melkman's algorithm uses a double
% ended queue (deque) which is more difficult to implement
% efficiently.
% Convex hull construction is one of the fundamental computational geometry
% algorithms and we present it here for pedagogical reasons. The
% function convhull will work just as well.
% Usage: k = convexhull(xy,display)
% Inputs:
% xy [2 x N] Array with x,y coordinates of the N input
% points. Each column corresponds to one point.
% display (default 0) If set to 1, each iteration of the algorithm is
% illustrated graphically.
% Outputs:
% k [N x 1] A vector of indices to xy of the points
% on the convex hull.
% The first point is the point with the smallest x coordinate and we
% proceed clockwise. The last point is equal to the first point.
% We choose to keep collinear points on the resulting convex hull
% boundary, since it permits a slightly simpler implementation. Changes
% required to do otherwise are minor.
if nargin<2
display = 0;
% We find a pivot point first with the minimum x coordinate
% which is guaranteed
% to be part of the convex hull. (Note that this is only true if collinear
% points are included.)
[m,n] = size(xy);
if m~=2
error('convexhull: xy must have 2 columns');
[xmin,first] = min( xy(1,:) );
% We take the remaining points and sort them according to the direction (azimuth)
% from the pivot, creating an index array ind. This takes
% (Nlog N) time. We use function
% atan2 for convenience to calculate the angles. All angles are
% between -/2 and /2, so phase
% wraparound is not a problem. We add the pivot as
% the last point.
ind = [1:(first-1) (first+1):n];
angle = atan2( xy(1,ind)-xy(1,first), xy(2,ind)-xy(2,first) );
[junk,order] = sort(angle);
ind = [ind(order) first];
% A stack is emulated using an array stack and an index
% stacktop of the top stack element. Since we know the maximum
% stack size to be N, we initialize the stack array to avoid
% time consuming reallocations.
% The stack will contain indices of points that so far are considered to
% be part of the convex hull. The initial stack contains the pivot.
stack = zeros( n, 1, 'uint32' );
stack(1) = first;
stacktop = 1;
% Here is the main while-loop of the algorithm. The current
% point from the input set xy is indexed by ind(i).
% The loop terminates when all points have been considered.
% A current point p2=xy(:,ind(i)) is pushed to the stack if it
% contains less than two points, or if the point p2 lies on or to the right of the
% line connecting the two top points of the stack (p0, p1).
% This is determined by calculating the vector product of (p1-p0)
% x (p2-p0).
% Otherwise, the top
% point from the stack is discarded, because it cannot belong to the
% convex hull. In other words, the
% hull boundary must go straight or turn right, it may never turn to the left.
i = 1;
while i<=n
if display==1,
figure(1) ;
plot(xy(first,1),xy(first,2),'rx',[xy(first,1) ; xy(ind,1)],[xy(first,2) ...
; xy(ind,2)],'o--',xy(stack(1:stacktop),1),xy(stack(1:stacktop),2),'g-',xy(ind(i),1),xy(ind(i),2),'md','LineWidth',2,'MarkerSize',7) ;
disp([ 'Stack = ' num2str(stack(1:stacktop)') ]) ;
disp('Press any key') ;
end ;
if stacktop<2
stacktop = stacktop+1;
stack(stacktop) = ind(i);
i = i+1;
p0 = xy(:,stack(stacktop));
p1 = xy(:,stack(stacktop-1));
p2 = xy(:,ind(i));
if (p1(1)-p0(1))*(p2(2)-p0(2))-(p2(1)-p0(1))*(p1(2)-p0(2)) >= 0
if display==1,
disp('push') ;
end ;
stacktop = stacktop+1;
stack(stacktop) = ind(i);
i = i+1;
if display==1,
disp('pop') ;
end ;
% pop
stacktop = stacktop-1;
end % while loop
if display,
figure(1) ;
plot([xy(1,first) xy(1,ind)],[xy(2,first) xy(2,ind)],'bo-',...
xy(1,first), xy(2,first),'ro','LineWidth',2,'MarkerSize',7) ;
if display>1,
exportfig(gcf,'output_images/convexhull_fan.eps') ;
end ;
figure(2) ;
'g-',xy(1,first), xy(2,first),'ro','LineWidth',2,'MarkerSize',7) ;
if display>1,
exportfig(gcf,'output_images/convexhull_small.eps') ;
disp('Algorithm has converged.') ; disp('Press any key') ;
end ;
end ;
% The stack now contains the completed convex hull. Because each input point
% is pushed to the stack and discarded at most once, the computational
% complexity of the while-loop is linear.
k = stack(1:stacktop);
Error using Tester3>convexhull (line 73)
convexhull: xy must have 2 columns
Error in Tester3 (line 20)
yeet = convexhull(xy,0);
  1 Comment
Rik on 4 Dec 2019
Just in case you delete this one as well:
close all;
xy = [
3 12
10 8
11 14
13 16
9 19
1 15
2 4
6 1
11 3
16 5
14 17
19 18
yeet = convexhull(xy,0);
function k=convexhull(xy,display) ;
%CONVEXHULL Calculate convex hull
% CMP Vision Algorithms
% Find the convex hull of a set of N points in 2D
% : we implement
% Graham's classic scan algorithm
% which
% has optimal (N log N) complexity. The main data structure of
% Graham's scan is a stack, which can be emulated with reasonable
% efficiency in Matlab
% using arrays.
% Melkman's algorithm uses a double
% ended queue (deque) which is more difficult to implement
% efficiently.
% Convex hull construction is one of the fundamental computational geometry
% algorithms and we present it here for pedagogical reasons. The
% function convhull will work just as well.
% Usage: k = convexhull(xy,display)
% Inputs:
% xy [2 x N] Array with x,y coordinates of the N input
% points. Each column corresponds to one point.
% display (default 0) If set to 1, each iteration of the algorithm is
% illustrated graphically.
% Outputs:
% k [N x 1] A vector of indices to xy of the points
% on the convex hull.
% The first point is the point with the smallest x coordinate and we
% proceed clockwise. The last point is equal to the first point.
% We choose to keep collinear points on the resulting convex hull
% boundary, since it permits a slightly simpler implementation. Changes
% required to do otherwise are minor.
if nargin<2
display = 0;
% We find a pivot point first with the minimum x coordinate
% which is guaranteed
% to be part of the convex hull. (Note that this is only true if collinear
% points are included.)
[m,n] = size(xy);
if m~=2
error('convexhull: xy must have 2 columns');
[xmin,first] = min( xy(1,:) );
% We take the remaining points and sort them according to the direction (azimuth)
% from the pivot, creating an index array ind. This takes
% (Nlog N) time. We use function
% atan2 for convenience to calculate the angles. All angles are
% between -/2 and /2, so phase
% wraparound is not a problem. We add the pivot as
% the last point.
ind = [1:(first-1) (first+1):n];
angle = atan2( xy(1,ind)-xy(1,first), xy(2,ind)-xy(2,first) );
[junk,order] = sort(angle);
ind = [ind(order) first];
% A stack is emulated using an array stack and an index
% stacktop of the top stack element. Since we know the maximum
% stack size to be N, we initialize the stack array to avoid
% time consuming reallocations.
% The stack will contain indices of points that so far are considered to
% be part of the convex hull. The initial stack contains the pivot.
stack = zeros( n, 1, 'uint32' );
stack(1) = first;
stacktop = 1;
% Here is the main while-loop of the algorithm. The current
% point from the input set xy is indexed by ind(i).
% The loop terminates when all points have been considered.
% A current point p2=xy(:,ind(i)) is pushed to the stack if it
% contains less than two points, or if the point p2 lies on or to the right of the
% line connecting the two top points of the stack (p0, p1).
% This is determined by calculating the vector product of (p1-p0)
% x (p2-p0).
% Otherwise, the top
% point from the stack is discarded, because it cannot belong to the
% convex hull. In other words, the
% hull boundary must go straight or turn right, it may never turn to the left.
i = 1;
while i<=n
if display==1,
figure(1) ;
plot(xy(first,1),xy(first,2),'rx',[xy(first,1) ; xy(ind,1)],[xy(first,2) ...
; xy(ind,2)],'o--',xy(stack(1:stacktop),1),xy(stack(1:stacktop),2),'g-',xy(ind(i),1),xy(ind(i),2),'md','LineWidth',2,'MarkerSize',7) ;
disp([ 'Stack = ' num2str(stack(1:stacktop)') ]) ;
disp('Press any key') ;
end ;
if stacktop<2
stacktop = stacktop+1;
stack(stacktop) = ind(i);
i = i+1;
p0 = xy(:,stack(stacktop));
p1 = xy(:,stack(stacktop-1));
p2 = xy(:,ind(i));
if (p1(1)-p0(1))*(p2(2)-p0(2))-(p2(1)-p0(1))*(p1(2)-p0(2)) >= 0
if display==1,
disp('push') ;
end ;
stacktop = stacktop+1;
stack(stacktop) = ind(i);
i = i+1;
if display==1,
disp('pop') ;
end ;
% pop
stacktop = stacktop-1;
end % while loop
if display,
figure(1) ;
plot([xy(1,first) xy(1,ind)],[xy(2,first) xy(2,ind)],'bo-',...
xy(1,first), xy(2,first),'ro','LineWidth',2,'MarkerSize',7) ;
if display>1,
exportfig(gcf,'output_images/convexhull_fan.eps') ;
end ;
figure(2) ;
'g-',xy(1,first), xy(2,first),'ro','LineWidth',2,'MarkerSize',7) ;
if display>1,
exportfig(gcf,'output_images/convexhull_small.eps') ;
disp('Algorithm has converged.') ; disp('Press any key') ;
end ;
end ;
% The stack now contains the completed convex hull. Because each input point
% is pushed to the stack and discarded at most once, the computational
% complexity of the while-loop is linear.
k = stack(1:stacktop);
Error using Tester3>convexhull (line 73)
convexhull: xy must have 2 columns
Error in Tester3 (line 20)
yeet = convexhull(xy,0);

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Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 4 Dec 2019
Edited: Walter Roberson on 4 Dec 2019
The error message is wrong . The code needs the x to be the first row and the y to be the second row. Not columns.


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