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Model Advisor not able to run some checks on Windows 10 PC, but the same checks are performed on Windows 7 PC

2 views (last 30 days)
I used MATLAB 2014b on Windows 7 PC to develop my model and then to run a Model Advisor on my model. I then migrated to Windows 10 PC, and tried to run the Model Advisor on the same model using same matlab and target link (MATLAB 2014b and TL 4.0). The results were almost similar except for two checks which were performed on Windows 7 PC but were not performed on Windows 10 PC.
The two unperformed checks are:
  1. Identify blocks using one based indexing (Matlab Note in Model Advisor window - Unable to locate check mathworks.codegen.cgsl_0101. This might be due to a missing sl_customization.m file or toolboxes that are not installed.)
  2. Check for model reference configuration mismatch (Matlab Note in Model Advisor window - Unable to locate check mathworks.codegen.MdlrefConfigMismatch. This might be due to a missing sl_customization.m file or toolboxes that are not installed.)
The matlab generated note says it may be due to missing 'sl_customization.m' file or due to missing toolbox. When I checked on my old windows 7 PC for this file and all the toolboxes installed and compared them with my new Windows 10 PC, I found no differences. All the toolboxes are also present on my new PC and also the 'sl_customization.m' file.
Is anyone aware of this issue? How can I run these two checks on Windows 10 PC with MATLAB 2014b

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