Clear Filters
Clear Filters

I want to show the Magnitude response of three filters, as one response

18 views (last 30 days)
So, I am to design three butter filters, a low pass, band pass, and a high pass, with the biggest wrinkle being that they must each have a different order (other wise, I'd just create a band stop filter with two stops). (Technically 7, 8, and 10, but I'll get to that later.) I have no problem with that, but I want to get the freq response as a single line that shows what happens when all three filters are inline with one another. (Right now I can just show how each one campares, which is mostly useless, from my perspective. Below is where I am so far. Thank you for the help.
freqSample = 10000;
freqCutoffLow = 100;
bandPassLower = 500;
bandPassUpper = 1000;
freqCutoffHigh = 2000;
%as = [1/(freqCutoff*2*pi),1];
nLow = 8; % orderOfFilter;
nBandPass = 8;
nHighPass = 10;
wNLow= freqCutoffLow / (freqSample/2); %normalizedCutOffFreq
[lowA,lowB] = butter(nLow, wNLow);
[passA,passB] = butter(nBandPass,[bandPassLower bandPassUpper]/(freqSample/2));
[highA, highB] = butter(nHighPass, freqCutoffHigh/(freqSample/2),'high');
fvt = fvtool(lowA, lowB, passA, passB, highA, highB);
legend(fvt,'butterLow', 'butterHigh', 'butterPass')

Answers (3)

Max Murphy
Max Murphy on 6 Dec 2019
Could you use freqz and take the product of the frequency responses, assuming the filters will be cascaded in a linear system?
H_low = freqz(lowA,lowB,512);
H_pass = freqz(passA,passB,512);
H_high = freqz(highA,highB,512);
freqz will return the frequency response at a specified number of points, but since you have already determined your filter coefficients, the filter order will not be affected. Then, you can take the element-wise product of those responses.

Star Strider
Star Strider on 6 Dec 2019
It’s always worth experimenting.
It seems that convolving the numerators and denominators of the individual filters is appropriate:
freqSample = 10000;
freqCutoffLow = 100;
bandPassLower = 500;
bandPassUpper = 1000;
freqCutoffHigh = 2000;
%as = [1/(freqCutoff*2*pi),1];
nLow = 8; % orderOfFilter;
nBandPass = 8;
nHighPass = 10;
wNLow= freqCutoffLow / (freqSample/2); %normalizedCutOffFreq
[lowA,lowB] = butter(nLow, wNLow);
[passA,passB] = butter(nBandPass,[bandPassLower bandPassUpper]/(freqSample/2));
[highA, highB] = butter(nHighPass, freqCutoffHigh/(freqSample/2),'high');
Av = conv(conv(lowA,passA),highA); % Convolve
Bv = conv(conv(lowB,passB),highB); % Convolve
freqz(Av, Bv, 2^14, freqSample)
freqz(lowA, lowB, 2^14, freqSample)
freqz(passA, passB, 2^14, freqSample)
freqz(highA, highB, 2^14, freqSample)
s = zeros(1,10001);
s(5000) = 1;
LowOut = filtfilt(lowA, lowB, s); % First Filter
BandOut = filtfilt(passA, passB, LowOut); % Cascade
AllOut = filtfilt(highA, highB, BandOut); % Cascade
FTs = fft(s);
FTA = fft(AllOut);
H = FTA ./ FTs; % Transfer Function
Fv = linspace(0, 1, fix(numel(s)/2)+1)*(freqSample/2);
Iv = 1:numel(Fv);
plot(Fv, 20*log10(abs(H(Iv))/max(abs(H(Iv)))))
The serial output of the three filters (the last figure) appears to give essentially the same result as the convolution (the first figure).
Carl Eranio
Carl Eranio on 10 Dec 2019
Edited: Carl Eranio on 10 Dec 2019
Thank you, that's my bad. And your answer makes sense. (I did learn alot about that from your code, and it really helps to have convolution means series in my head now.)
Star Strider
Star Strider on 10 Dec 2019
My pleasure.
No worries.
If my Answer helped you solve your problem, please Accept it!

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Carl Eranio
Carl Eranio on 8 Dec 2019
So, my teammate worked out the answer we were looking for. It apears the answer, graphically speaking, was to only use the 'h' terms. I would like to thank the two of you for your help.
%% LAB2 EEET2447 Task 1
clear all
close all
clc; %clear
% 8th order Butterworth low-pass filter
fc1 = 100; % cutoff frequency
fs = 1e4; % sampling frequency
order1 = 8;
[b,a] = butter(order1, 2*fc1/fs, 'low');
[sos,g] = tf2sos(b,a);
% === Plot frequency response
[hLow, wLow]=freqz(b, a);
%Get the frequencies in Hz
T = 1/fs;
Hertz = wLow/(2*pi*T);
plot(Hertz, abs(hLow));
title('Magnitude frequency response');
xlabel('Normalized Frequency');
xlim([0 2500]);
grid on
hold on
% 7th order band-pass butterworth filter
fmin = 500; %lower cut-off
fmax = 1000; %higher cut-off
order2 = 7;
[d,c] = butter(order2, [fmin/(fs/2), fmax/(fs/2)], 'bandpass');
[hPass, wPass]=freqz(d, c);
plot(wPass/pi*fs/2, abs(hPass));
grid on
hold on
% 10th order high-pass butterworth filter
fc3 = 2000; % cutoff frequency
order3 = 10;
[f,e] = butter(order3, 2*fc3/fs, 'high');
[sos,g] = tf2sos(f,e);
% === Plot frequency response
[hHigh, wHigh]=freqz(f, e);
plot(wHigh/pi*fs/2, abs(hHigh));
grid on
hold on
  1 Comment
Max Murphy
Max Murphy on 8 Dec 2019
No problem. Looks like the filters were in parallel, apologies for the misleading answer! Star strider's comment below is the correct answer.

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