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Simulink Interface with couple of other Softwares ?

2 views (last 30 days)
I have problem in finding results to my softwares, as I have been using 2 softwares and MATLAB as a co-junction in between those softwares. So basically 1st software sends data to MATLAB via interface and later MATLAB modifies this data a bit and sends to 2nd software. i.e 1st to Simulink and than Simulink to 2nd, but the problem is my 2nd software crashes which inturn Simulink crashes too. Any Idea in solving this problem ?
Also with Set Path is it only once or we can do it twice ?
As I am Using Matlab R2011a
Thank you for your time.

Answers (1)

Sachin Ganjare
Sachin Ganjare on 9 Oct 2012
Vishal P
Vishal P on 9 Oct 2012
Thank you again,
My first model i.e 1st Software is providing o/p data as Speed and Torque which I am sending to MATLAB via interface, than with few changes in Matlab model I send this speed and torque data to 2nd Software.
So basically my 1st software gives out the results and when I run the 2nd software co-jnction with simulink it crashes out both.
Sachin Ganjare
Sachin Ganjare on 9 Oct 2012
Edited: Sachin Ganjare on 9 Oct 2012
As I understand this proces of sharing data is continuous.
Also could you elaborate on these interfaces in particular, because current information is too vague to comment further.

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