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Multidimensional Interpolation scattered data

7 views (last 30 days)
Is it possible to do multidimensional interpolation on a set of scattered data?
I have scattered data points for offshore wind farms projects. water depth = WD , distance to shore = DS , installed capacity = Cap. there is no mathermatical relationship between all these each wind farm has 3 coordinates (WD,DS,Cap). I have also values for each farm's installation costs. I want to interpolation and plot it for these scattered points. I dont know the mathematical relation for installation costs as function of all these parameters. they are just randomly gathered projects data. I would like to see how installation costs will be versus all these. So what i have is:
DS=[3 20 3.5 7.5 6 3 8.5 5.2 10];
Cap=[40 160 23 60 165 60 90 90 110 180];
WD=[10 14 14 12 9 10 5 10 9];
Instalcost=[20.6 166 14.52 76.37 136.92 76.37 83.7 101.81 100.22 325.97];
I tried several interpolation methods following different steps from the documentations , but i keep getting errors .
Can you please help me in how to write this code to get interpolation plot for all this data ?

Answers (1)

Maadhav Akula
Maadhav Akula on 2 Mar 2020
Can you check your data once as Cap and Instalcost are 10x1 vectors, whereas DS and WD are 9x1 vectors. You can use the scatteredInterpolant class, if all the vectors are of same size, but you should pass them as column vectors. You can just transpose the existing variables. The following links might be helpful :
Hope this Helps!
  1 Comment
Basil Alotri
Basil Alotri on 2 Mar 2020
Hi , thanks for your help, i am sorry for making mistakes while typing the quesiton , but all the data are 10x1 vectors.
I will try your suggestion , thanks !

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