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How to evaluate calback function in edit text uicontrol?

7 views (last 30 days)
I have just started to learn about low-level GUI programing.
Is this the right way to write code. I need my variable b to change every time i hit new entry into edit text but I'm not geting that.
Am I missing evaluate function somewhere?
This is a simple example
a=uicontrol(fig_h,'Position',[ .5 .5 .08 .06],'Style','edit','CallBack','callb','String','0','Units','normalized');

Accepted Answer

Matt Fig
Matt Fig on 19 Oct 2012
Edited: Matt Fig on 19 Oct 2012
Please do not program callback using strings. Use function handles instead. Save this in an M-file then run the file to see how it works.
function [] = my_gui()
a = uicontrol(fig_h, 'Style','edit',...
'Position',[.5 .5 .08 .06],...
function [] = callb(H,E)
a = get(H,'string');
disp(['The string in the editbox is: ',a])
Here is a tutorial that starts basic and builds up to more advanced GUIS. I encourage you to work through it.

More Answers (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 19 Oct 2012
Callbacks that are given as strings are executed in the context of the base workspace, so look for b there.

Imo on 20 Oct 2012
Thanks, I will try that. I guess no one likes the string approach maybe because it is really hard to read. I'm going to study function build. Thanks for the tip and new materials, I appreciate.


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