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Editing / adding Point Cloud 'Location'

48 views (last 30 days)
Hi there!
I am working with LiDAR data gahtered using an Ouster sensor and Matlab's "Computer Vision Toolbox".
I would like to plot a recorded point cloud as a "movie", i.e. showing the different frames one after the other.
Since the "VelodyneReader" does not work for Ouster data, I tried to edit the point cloud manually, i.e. I tried to merge different frames of a point cloud to one single point cloud. Therefore, I tried to access the 'Location' in the Point Cloud using 'ptCloud.Location'. However, the 'Location' is a read-only property.
Does any one know how to change the 'Location' property of a 'pointCloud' from read-only to something that I can edit?
Thanks a lot for your help!

Accepted Answer

Harsha Priya Daggubati
Harsha Priya Daggubati on 6 Apr 2020
I guess it would be better if you can access the Location property and store it in a MATLAB variable, make desired modifications and create a new point-cloud object using the modified points.
aws hawary
aws hawary on 13 Apr 2020
I have a question if anyone could help me
I got Data LIDAR files ( pcap and csv)
I wanna to apply that data but the files should be compatible with MATLAB platform .. How can I read all the frames of ply file .. I read the total of pcap but I need the frames #separately for each timestamp
Raffaele Spielmann
Raffaele Spielmann on 14 Apr 2020
Just try loading the files as .csv as different frames into different point clouds:
Frame62 = readtable('Trial3_Gravel_Frame62.csv');
Frame68 = readtable('Trial3_Gravel_Frame68.csv');
Frame62n = Frame62(:, [1:3]); %creates table with columns 1:3 = xyz-coord.
Frame68n = Frame68(:, [1:3]);
Frame62n = table2array(Frame62n); %converts table to array
Frame68n = table2array(Frame68n);
%Creating Point Clouds with Intensity:
ptCloud62 = pointCloud(Frame62n(:, 1:3));

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More Answers (2)

Sudarsono Sianipar
Sudarsono Sianipar on 14 May 2020
Hello, i have trouble to moving pointcloud manually with editing .Location pointcloud. but enable, because "You cannot set the read-only property 'Location' of pointCloud.".
How to change that?
Thank You
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 14 May 2020
Unfortunately it is set as readonly in the class definition toolbox/shared/pointclouds/+pointclouds/+internal/+pc/pointCloudImpl.m
In some modes, a kdtree is generated to search the point cloud; modifying the points would invalidate the kdtree.

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kevin harianto
kevin harianto on 4 Apr 2022
I am also trying to edit the point cloud location as well however I am getting an issue with left and right side having different number of elements. Do you have any clue in what it may be?
classdef LidarSemanticSegmentation < lidar.labeler.AutomationAlgorithm
% LidarSemanticSegmentation Automation algorithm performs semantic
% segmentation in the point cloud.
% LidarSemanticSegmentation is an automation algorithm for segmenting
% a point cloud using SqueezeSegV2 semantic segmentation network
% which is trained on Pandaset data set.
% See also lidarLabeler, groundTruthLabeler
% lidar.labeler.AutomationAlgorithm.
% Copyright 2021 The MathWorks, Inc.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Step 1: Define the required properties describing the algorithm. This
% includes Name, Description, and UserDirections.
% Name Algorithm Name
% Character vector specifying the name of the algorithm.
Name = 'Lidar Semantic Segmentation';
% Description Algorithm Description
% Character vector specifying the short description of the algorithm.
Description = 'Segment the point cloud using SqueezeSegV2 network.';
% UserDirections Algorithm Usage Directions
% Cell array of character vectors specifying directions for
% algorithm users to follow to use the algorithm.
UserDirections = {['ROI Label Definition Selection: select one of ' ...
'the ROI definitions to be labeled'], ...
'Run: Press RUN to run the automation algorithm. ', ...
['Review and Modify: Review automated labels over the interval ', ...
'using playback controls. Modify/delete/add ROIs that were not ' ...
'satisfactorily automated at this stage. If the results are ' ...
'satisfactory, click Accept to accept the automated labels.'], ...
['Accept/Cancel: If the results of automation are satisfactory, ' ...
'click Accept to accept all automated labels and return to ' ...
'manual labeling. If the results of automation are not ' ...
'satisfactory, click Cancel to return to manual labeling ' ...
'without saving the automated labels.']};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Step 2: Define properties you want to use during the algorithm
% execution.
% AllCategories
% AllCategories holds the default 'unlabelled', 'Vegetation',
% 'Ground', 'Road', 'RoadMarkings', 'SideWalk', 'Car', 'Truck',
% 'OtherVehicle', 'Pedestrian', 'RoadBarriers', 'Signs',
% 'Buildings' categorical types.
AllCategories = {'unlabelled'};
% PretrainedNetwork
% PretrainedNetwork saves the pretrained SqueezeSegV2 network.
% Note: this method needs to be included for lidarLabeler app to
% recognize it as using pointcloud
methods (Static)
% This method is static to allow the apps to call it and check the
% signal type before instantiation. When users refresh the
% algorithm list, we can quickly check and discard algorithms for
% any signal that is not support in a given app.
function isValid = checkSignalType(signalType)
isValid = (signalType == vision.labeler.loading.SignalType.PointCloud);
% Step 3: Define methods used for setting up the algorithm.
function isValid = checkLabelDefinition(algObj, labelDef)
% Only Voxel ROI label definitions are valid for the Lidar
% semantic segmentation algorithm.
isValid = labelDef.Type == lidarLabelType.Voxel;
if isValid
algObj.AllCategories{end+1} = labelDef.Name;
function isReady = checkSetup(algObj)
% Is there one selected ROI Label definition to automate.
isReady = ~isempty(algObj.SelectedLabelDefinitions);
% Step 4: Specify algorithm execution. This controls what happens when
% the user presses RUN. Algorithm execution proceeds by first
% executing initialize on the first frame, followed by run on
% every frame, and terminate on the last frame.
function initialize(algObj,~)
% Load the pretrained SqueezeSegV2 semantic segmentation network.
outputFolder = fullfile(tempdir, 'Pandaset');
pretrainedSqueezeSeg = load(fullfile(outputFolder,'trainedSqueezeSegV2PandasetNet.mat'));
% Store the network in the 'PretrainedNetwork' property of this object.
algObj.PretrainedNetwork =;
function autoLabels = run(algObj, pointCloud)
% Setup categorical matrix with categories including
% 'Vegetation', 'Ground', 'Road', 'RoadMarkings', 'SideWalk',
% 'Car', 'Truck', 'OtherVehicle', 'Pedestrian', 'RoadBarriers',
% and 'Signs'.
autoLabels = categorical(zeros(size(pointCloud.Location,1), size(pointCloud.Location,2)), ...
%A = zeros(10000,10000);
%filling in the minimum required resolution
% to meet the neural network's specification.
%(first iteration failed) pointCloud.Location = zeros(65,1856,5);
%Due to an error we must append the various point cloud data
Location = zeros(64,1856,5);
%next we can add in the ptCloud locations
% Location(:,:,1) = pointCloud.Location;
% Location = zeros(65,1856,5);
Location(:) = [pointCloud.Location]
%This will also be applied to the pointCloud Intensity levels
% as these are also analyzed by the machine learning algorithm.
%(Pushed aside for later modifications) pointCloud.Intensity = zeros(64,1865);
% Convert the input point cloud to five channel image.
I = helperPointCloudToImage(pointCloud);
% Predict the segmentation result.
predictedResult = semanticseg(I, algObj.PretrainedNetwork);
autoLabels(:) = predictedResult;
%using this area we would be able to continuously update the latest file on
% sending the output towards the CAN Network or atleast ensure that the
% item is obtainable
% This area would work the best.
%first we must
function helperDisplayLabelOverlaidPointCloud(I,predictedResult)
% helperDisplayLabelOverlaidPointCloud Overlay labels over point cloud object.
% helperDisplayLabelOverlaidPointCloud(I,predictedResult)
% displays the overlaid pointCloud object. I is the 5 channels organized
% input image. predictedResult contains pixel labels.
ptCloud = pointCloud(I(:,:,1:3),Intensity = I(:,:,4));
cmap = helperPandasetColorMap;
B = ...
labeloverlay(uint8(ptCloud.Intensity),predictedResult,Colormap = cmap,Transparency = 0.4);
pc = pointCloud(ptCloud.Location,Color = B);
ax = pcshow(pc);
set(ax,XLim = [-70 70],YLim = [-70 70])
function cmap = helperPandasetColorMap
cmap = [[30 30 30]; % Unlabeled
[0 255 0]; % Vegetation
[255 150 255]; % Ground
[237 117 32]; % Road
[255 0 0]; % Road Markings
[90 30 150]; % Sidewalk
[255 255 30]; % Car
[245 150 100]; % Truck
[150 60 30]; % Other Vehicle
[255 255 0]; % Pedestrian
[0 200 255]; % Road Barriers
[170 100 150]; % Signs
[255 0 255]]; % Building
cmap = cmap./255;
function image = helperPointCloudToImage(ptcloud)
% helperPointCloudToImage converts the point cloud to 5 channel image
image = ptcloud.Location;
image(:,:,5) = ptcloud.Intensity;
rangeData = iComputeRangeData(image(:,:,1),image(:,:,2),image(:,:,3));
image(:,:,4) = rangeData;
index = isnan(image);
image(index) = 0;
function rangeData = iComputeRangeData(xChannel,yChannel,zChannel)
rangeData = sqrt(xChannel.*xChannel+yChannel.*yChannel+zChannel.*zChannel);
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 10 Apr 2022
If you are sure that the new size is larger than the old size, then skip that cat(2) and instead do
tempPtCloud(DesiredNumberOfRows, DesiredNumberOfColumns) = 0;
This will extend the tempPtCloud array to have that many rows and columns, filling all of the holes with 0 (the 0 used as fill is automatic and independent of the 0 being assigned in that statement.)
kevin harianto
kevin harianto on 11 Apr 2022
Edited: kevin harianto on 11 Apr 2022
I am only trying to extend the tempPtCloud.Location array which why i was trying to add in the tmpPtCloud.Location matrixes for expanding -currently at 123398x3 and move to atleast 64x1856x3-. when I try your method it said unable to perform assignment because type double is not convertible to pointCloud. error at tempPtCloud(64, 1856) = 0; and even when i tried to change it to tempPtCloud(64, 1856, 3) = 0;
%These additional values should allow the raw pcd file matric to meet the
%resolutions demand
% Since we are only trying to influence the resolution
% (pandaSet Ideal resolution being 64x1856x3)
% and not the actual
% value's representation we will only be adding in the values
% However because the raw pcd file is single matrix, we shall be adding
% in additional dimensions.
tempPtCloud = ptCloud;
%ptCloud being read only we can not add the third dimension
%-------------from suggestion(issue)
tempPtCloud(64, 1856) = 0;
tempPtCloud = cat(2, tempPtCloud.Location, zeros(10000, size(tempPtCloud.Location,2)));
B = tempPtCloud.Location;
B(:,3) = tempPtCloud.Location(:,2); %copy second column to move to third
for n = 2: size(ptCloud.Location)
B(:,n)= tempPtCloud.Location(:,n-1);
%We can do the above twice to move the 2nd column to the third, and first
%to the second then add in the zeros to the first and replace.
B(:,2) = tempPtCloud.Location(:,1); %copy first column to move to second
for n = 2: size(ptCloud.Location)
B(:,n)= tempPtCloud.Location(:,n-1);
%for the first vertices we will be substituting with the zeros
B(:,1) = zeros(64);
%next replace the pointCloud with the desire parts:
% (In terms of replaceing the pointCloud with the desired parts this shall be implemented in
% the semantic segmentation script as well)
%using the location variable B which should contain the 3 Dimensions in its
%rightful format we shall now modify the temporary pointCloud for
tempPtCloud = pointCloud(B(:, 1:3));

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