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Engine Speed controller Simulink

4 views (last 30 days)
Vishal P
Vishal P on 29 Oct 2012
I have been using Engine Speed PI Controller as an example, but I could not understand the equation given in Throttle Angle subsystem i.e. 2.821 - 0.05231*u + 0.10299*u*u - 0.00063*u*u*u
So is it possible to help me with this situation on what are these actual values which are considered above does specify it ?
Thank you for your support.

Answers (1)

Ryan G
Ryan G on 5 Nov 2012
Edited: Ryan G on 5 Nov 2012
The entire subsystem represents a calculation of the mass flow rate. You can find the equation on the Modeling Engine Timing page.
What you posted represents f(theta) and where u=theta. I haven't read the paper cited in the link above, but I would guess that equation was developed to fit test data based on the description.


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