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View Reshape Function Code

2 views (last 30 days)
Aidan Shek
Aidan Shek on 1 Jun 2020
Commented: Steven Lord on 23 Sep 2020
I would like to open and view the code for the reshape function, does anyone have a copy?

Accepted Answer

James Tursa
James Tursa on 1 Jun 2020
All it basically does is replace the dimensions with the requested dimensions in the internal variable header. There wouldn't be much to see even if you could see the source code for that part. Most of the code is probably for the checking, e.g.,
  • Are the requested number of elements the same?
  • Are the requested dimension values all non-negative integers?
  • If there is a missing dimension, calculate this value and make sure it is an integer.
  • Can the result be a shared data copy? (e.g., for a full matrix)
  • Will the result need to be a deep data copy? (e.g., for a sparse matrix)
  • Etc.
isamh on 23 Sep 2020
what if I use reshape with negative decimal values? the output shows all the values but shows all negative values as positive.
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 23 Sep 2020
Can you show a small example that demonstrates this behavior?

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More Answers (1)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 1 Jun 2020
We don't distribute the source code for that built-in function.


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