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Can someone help me out with how to structure the answer to this question?

2 views (last 30 days)
The arrays below contain the price in dollars of three stocks over 10 days.
Use matlab to determine how many days the price of stock A was above both the price of stock B and the price of stock C.
I'm having trouble structuring the answer to this question. I'm not sure how to do it with all three opposed to just two. I could use a hint a step in the right direction. I was thinking that I need to use find(price_A>..... but after that im not sure what needs to be done.
Brian on 26 Mar 2013
I still don't understand, I read the section and there is nothing remotely similar to this question that is being asked. Your hints aren't really helping me.
Cedric on 26 Mar 2013
Edited: Cedric on 26 Mar 2013
What you have to do is to test multiple conditions simultaneously. I'm showing in my comment that the output of the test (using a relational operator) of one condition is a vector of logicals. On the other side, Walter gave you a hint about performing a logical AND between vectors of logicals ..
To illustrate a little more, if you want to test if x is greater than 5 but smaller than 7, you can use nested IF statements
if x > 5
if x < 7
... do something
which is what you tried to do as you mention in your reply to Walter (and which is a good first approach). Now if x=10 for example, look at what you obtain with the above tests
>> x = 10 ;
>> x > 5
ans =
>> x < 7
ans =
both 1 and 0 here are logicals (true, false), as mentioned in my comment, and you can perform logical operations on logicals, so if you wanted to combined the two tests into a single one, hence reducing the nested IF statement to a single IF statement, you could build the following statement
if (x > 5) & (x < 7)
.. do something
Play a bit with these concepts and you'll see that they truly apply to your case.

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Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 26 Mar 2013
condition1 & condition2
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 26 Mar 2013
You need to and the conditionals, and then sum them.
price_A > price_B give a logical array for when A cost more than B.
price_A > price_C give a logical array for when A cost more than C.
To find out when A was more than BOTH of them, you need to AND.
A_more_than_both = (price_A > price_B) & (price_A > price_C)
That is an array of 1's and 0's, like 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 or whatever. To find out how many days total there are, you need to sum that.
days_above_both = sum(A_more_than_both)

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