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Sort tables within a cell by size

2 views (last 30 days)
Lutetium on 8 Mar 2021
Edited: Jan on 9 Mar 2021
I'm struggling a bit to sort several timetable according to their length. Can someone help me to get the right syntax?
I appreciate the input

Accepted Answer

Jan on 8 Mar 2021
Edited: Jan on 9 Mar 2021
Try this - I cannot check it, because I do not have your input data:
Len = cellfun(@height, C); % [EDITED] @length -> @height
[~, index] = sort(Len);
C = C(index);
  1 Comment
Lutetium on 8 Mar 2021
thanks, works perfectly! just had to replace length by height since its a timetable
I appreciate your help!

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