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Help using grpstats function to get number of occurances per row on a table.

2 views (last 30 days)
I have the following table (4 rows, column names are simply "Col1", "Col2" and so on), for which I'd like to apply grpstats function on.
'China','Hong Kong', '', 'China'
'', 'Switzerland', '', 'Switzerland'
'United States', 'Ireland', '', 'United States'
'Finland', 'Finland', 'Sweden', ''
What I would like to do is to get is the most repeated observation across the rows, using such function without needing to use a combination of accumaray, categorical and unique.
How may I use it? Can you help please?
Ajpaezm on 28 Apr 2021
Hello Adam, thanks for your input.
Let me rephrase the question a bit: What I intend to do with grpstats is to make a count of the occurances across the rows of my array first (this is where I think grpstats can be useful). Later on is just on me to check or select the highest number of occurances.
I've edited my question to avoid confusion.
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 29 Apr 2021
My answer uses groupcounts which does not rely on having the stats & machine learning toolbox, unlike grpstats.

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Answers (1)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 28 Apr 2021
C = {'China','Hong Kong', '', 'China'
'', 'Switzerland', '', 'Switzerland'
'United States', 'Ireland', '', 'United States'
'Finland', 'Finland', 'Sweden', ''};
rowNum = repmat((1:size(C,1))', 1, size(C,2));
T = table(C(:),rowNum(:),'VariableNames',{'Country','RowNum'});
B = groupcounts(T,{'RowNum','Country'})
B = 11×4 table
RowNum Country GroupCount Percent ______ _________________ __________ _______ 1 {0×0 char } 1 6.25 1 {'China' } 2 12.5 1 {'Hong Kong' } 1 6.25 2 {0×0 char } 2 12.5 2 {'Switzerland' } 2 12.5 3 {0×0 char } 1 6.25 3 {'Ireland' } 1 6.25 3 {'United States'} 2 12.5 4 {0×0 char } 1 6.25 4 {'Finland' } 2 12.5 4 {'Sweden' } 1 6.25




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