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MATLAB command for Union of an arbitrary collection of sets

4 views (last 30 days)
If there is an arbitrary collection of sets (denoted by a large U in mathematics), where each arbitrary set has some limit as well e.g, an index d=1 to D etc....
Can some one tell me which MATLAB command should be used for the above scenario?
Syed on 11 Jul 2013
Edited: Syed on 11 Jul 2013
you can call the sets as coalitions in a coalitional game (in mathematics its called 'game theory')
Jan on 11 Jul 2013
Please post some example data, preferrably by the Matlab commands used for their creation. E.g.:
x{1} = [1,3,45,6,2,1];
x{2} = [5,9,7,1];
data.set(1).value = {23, 14:17}
data.set(2).value = {210, 15:31}
Or what ever. We cannot guess this detail. It does not matter, what these sets mean, e.g. if they are "coalitions" (what ever this might be), but only, how the data are represented and how the elements can be compared to determine uniqueness.

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Answers (1)

Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) on 11 Jul 2013
Here is a possible solution:
function U = munion (varargin)
% MUNION - union of multiple sets
% U = UNION(S1,S2,S3, ..., Sn) returns the union of sets S1 to Sn
U = varargin{1} ;
for k=2:nargin
U = union(U, varargin{k})
Syed on 11 Jul 2013
what if i have limits as stated above in my question?
Jan on 11 Jul 2013
@Syed: The limits are not well explained yet. It is hard to guess what "an index d=1 to D" explicitly means.

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