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Creating cell within structure

1 view (last 30 days)
Samadrita on 11 Jul 2013
I am trying to create a cell array within a structure.
I am trying the syntax (as per the help struct)
% get the values to place into structure from excel file
[num, str]=xlsread('InputFile.xlsx','WeightedLookUp');
% Now create the structure from the files
B= struct(str{1,1},[num(:,1)],str{1,2},{str(2:end,2)},...
But I still get B =
order: [9x1 double]
tissue: {5x1 cell}
my *desired* result(obtained by manually placing things in structure) is
B =
order: {9x1 cell}
tissue: {9x1 cell}
If anyone could please help me resolve this,it will be very helpful. Thanks
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 11 Jul 2013
Can you give more details about str and num?
Samadrita on 11 Jul 2013
num has values created by reading xlsread and str has the string vales from the same sheet.
whos num
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
num 9x17 1224 double
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
str 10x17 19360 cell

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