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Convert voidPtrPtr to voidPtr for clib

7 views (last 30 days)
Hello. I can't find the resolve of my problem.
I want to convert voidPtrPtr in MATLAB which I use in method on C in MyLibExport.dll:
int32_t CreateInstance(void **instance) {
*instance = (void *)malloc(sizeof(MyStruct));
return 1;
in voidPtr which I use in next method on C in MyLibExport.dll:
int32_t DeleteInstance(void *instance) {
return 2;
MATLAB code of using MyLibExport.dll and methods CreateInstance and DeleteInstance:
loadlibrary('MyLibExport', 'MyLibExport.h'); % load my DLL
pv = libpointer('voidPtrPtr', 0); % Create 'void **variable = NULL;'
resultInt32 = calllib('MyLibExport','CreateInstance',pv); % Create
resultInt32 = calllib('MyLibExport','DeleteInstance', ???); % what can I use here?
OS Windows. DLL build in VS2019.

Accepted Answer

vadim onuchin
vadim onuchin on 12 Aug 2021
It was not difficult as it turned out.
loadlibrary('MyLibExport', 'MyLibExport.h'); % load my DLL
pv = libpointer('voidPtr', 0); % Create 'void *variable = NULL;'
pvPtr = libpointer('voidPtrPtr', pv); % Create 'void **variablePtr = &variable;'
resultInt32 = calllib('MyLibExport','CreateInstance',pvPtr); % Create
resultInt32 = calllib('MyLibExport','DeleteInstance', pv); % Free
Debug with pdb files (OS Windows VS2019) show it.
Good Luck everyone.

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