Transfinite Interpolation

Version (676 KB) by KSSV
To demonstrate grid generation using Transfinite Interpolation
Updated 8 Mar 2013

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The generation of grid is the first and foremost step in finite element method, computational fluid dynamics, finite volume method, finite difference method etc. The accuracy of the solution of partial differential equation depends on how fine and sensible is grid for the problem domain. Discretizing the domain is very challenging if the domain is complex. One of the methods among many other methods of grid generation is by interpolation. Grid generation based on interpolation has two basic advantages;rapid computation of grids and
direct control over grid point locations
These advantages are offset by the fact that interpolation methods may not generate smooth grids, in particular, when the problem domain has steep curves or bends. In these cases grid gets folded across the bends of the domain.

Cite As

KSSV (2024). Transfinite Interpolation (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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