
Fast csvwrite/dlmwrite replacement for MATLAB (.mex function)
Updated 24 Feb 2018

Replacement (fast!) for dlmwrite in MATLAB
Function to write matrix contents to the file. Replacement for (slow) dlmwrite in MATLAB

Usage: mex_WriteMatrix(filename,matrix,format,delimiter, writemode);


filename - full path for CSV file to export
matrix - matrix of type 'double' values to be exported
format - format of export (sprintf) , e.g. '%10.6f'
delimiter - delimiter, for example can be ',' or ';'
writemode - write mode 'w+' for rewriting file 'a+' for appending

Cite As

Alex Nazarovsky (2024). mex_WriteMatrix (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R14
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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Inspired: fcell2csv - Fastest Cell Array to CSV-file

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