
Sara Boznik

Last seen: 1 year ago Active since 2020

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How to plot FFT?
Hi, I am trying to plot FFT of tuning fork. I know that peak must be at 440 Hz. I am trying with my Matlab code but nothing wor...

1 year ago | 1 answer | 0



Stateflow with embedded coder array storage in generated code
Hi, this is my idea: T=[] %%your data i=400 %%example if you want to check for values 400-500 for i=400:1:500 %%then jus...

1 year ago | 0

plot a stepped frequency singal
Hi, if you dont have specific function, you can do simple step function like below: t = linspace(0, 1, 1000); % This defines...

1 year ago | 0

How to make a matrix for mixed anova
Hi, I dont understand, do you want to create 3D matrix? That is not possible. You already have data in matrix so you can just...

1 year ago | 0

How to move a simulink model with solidworks model to another new pc?
Hi, I had the same problem. If I remember correctly I had to replace all elements that were different in old version with blocks...

1 year ago | 1

I want to create a matlab program to perform this operation and show the result in each operation in table
part=0; sumation=0; for i=1:1:200 for k=1:1:i part=x(i-k).*f(k) sumation=sumation+part end end Sumation is x(i).

3 years ago | 0

how take a mathematical function from user
./ means divide numbers because in matlab / means divide of matrix

3 years ago | 0

how to keep adding a varaible in a loop?
First one: n=1; suma=0 for n=1:1:1000 AA(1,n) suma=AA(1,n)+suma; norminv=1-suma n=n+1; end Second one: k=2...

3 years ago | 0

store data after WHILE loop
Try: state(:,n)=x(:); end state=state(:,1:n)

3 years ago | 1


How to solve this equation?
Hi everyone, I want to solve this equation in Matlab. Until now I have the following code: a=18 b=60 c=76.7 syms x solx=...

4 years ago | 1 answer | 0



How to replace a column vector in matrix
A = [1 -4 1;4 -1 2;2 2 -3] B = [6;-1;-20] B=B' A(1,:)=B'

4 years ago | 0

| accepted

How to plot (1) amplitude vs time and (2) amplitude vs frequency plots from .wav file
figure(1) subplot(2,1,1) plot(t,y); title('Horn C5'); xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Amplitude'); % Amplitude vs Time plot subp...

4 years ago | 0


Data with different length of rows
Hi I have following question. I have data like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 1 2 I want to calculate average of each row....

4 years ago | 1 answer | 0



Adding cell array entries
for i=1:24 sol=sum((CC(:,i))) end

4 years ago | 0

Evaluating 2D function on 2D grid without using "for" loops
f = @(x,y) x.^2+y.^2; x = 1:10; y = 1:5; [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); meshc(X, Y, f(X,Y)) grid on You can try that. Best of luc...

4 years ago | 0

Three-digit format
Hi I suggest you that you use: fprintf('%.3g',1.111111)

4 years ago | 0

MATLAB homework help request
It was told to me that I should not give the whole homework answers. But I can give you advises: if for loop (also formula ex...

4 years ago | 0

How to find value of X when Y reaches maximum value read about this

4 years ago | 0

How to select matrix column from minimum row value
distance_to_point = [2, 3, 4, 5; 6.8, 2.9, 6.1, 6.7] minima=min(distance_to_point(2,:)) [m,n]=find(distance_to_point==minima) ...

4 years ago | 0

negative continuous position on vector
AA=[0 0 1 0 0 0 0] ne=-1; po=1; [n,m]=size(AA) b=find(AA(1,:)==1) BB=zeros(n,m) for i=1:b-1 BB(1,i)=ne ne=ne-1 ...

4 years ago | 1

Layered Composite Calculations - how to perform a loop to calculate the moment for each layer of a composite when the equation changes as each layer is added in?
If you have M(r): k=2*r-1; part=0; mom=0; for i=1:r part=-siggy(i)*(k/2)*h0^2 k=k-2; mom=mom+part end

4 years ago | 0

| accepted

Indexing in a vector
r=triu(r); r; w=min(r(r>0)); b=max(r(:)); [m,n]=find(r==w); fprintf(id,'Minimum %.4f.\n',w); for i=1:length(m) fprint...

4 years ago | 0

Creating a plot with 2 x -axis
Read about plotyy.

4 years ago | 0

Matrix Determination Issue in getting hidden inputs
function matr() if [n,n]==size(A) & [m,m]=size(B) & n==m C=zeros(n,n); D=zeros(m,m); C=A; D=B; E=C.*D; Reversed_Matrix=fl...

4 years ago | 1

| accepted

What does mean .* and ' ?
.* means matrix product, if you don't write . will Matlab product the numbers on the same position. ' you use it usually when y...

4 years ago | 2

Matrix Determination Issue in getting hidden inputs
Script: % n=input(""); that part is actually no needed % m=input(""); A=input('A'); B=input('B'); matr(A,B) Function: fun...

4 years ago | 0

Matrix Determination Issue in getting hidden inputs
In function you write: function Determinant = matr (A,B) Reversed_Matrix=flip(A.*B); Determinant=det(Reversed_Matrix); end ...

4 years ago | 0

why am I getting a different plot using fsurf and surf for the same function?
It is possible that you forgot .* Good luck.

4 years ago | 0

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