Geoff Hayes
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Professional Interests: Software Engineering, Target Tracking, Video Streaming apps
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Hi, I want to divide a 1x5872 matrix into 8x8 blocks. Can someone guide me please
@javad danesh - you could use reshape to manipulate your array into a set of 8x8 blocks. Since 5872 is not divisible by 64, you ...
2 years ago | 0
How to solve this error? Invalid types for comparison.
@Bajdar Nouredine - for string labels, I suspect that you need to use strcmp rather than == for checking to see if two strings a...
2 years ago | 0
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How to stop the timer by clicking the button twice in GUI, AND how can I return the number of the time I pause?
@Dongze - is there a reason why you want to stop the timer via a double-click of a button that says "Start Countdown"? Perhaps y...
2 years ago | 0
Print Multiple Lines into TextArea Automatically without mentioning the Array (MATLAB App Designer)
@Rahul - you could add a helper function/method that will add the text for you at the correct index. For example, that function ...
2 years ago | 0
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Shutdown at specific time
@Inna Pelloso - if you know when (i.e. seconds from now) that you want to shut down MATLAB, then you could do something like fu...
2 years ago | 0
How do I incrementally increase an excel file everytime I run the code to avoid overwriting
@Mohamed Sardheye - try using sprintf like k = 22; filename = sprintf('Test no%d.xlsx', k); writetable(T, filename); Or do y...
2 years ago | 1
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Textscan Reads Only the first 3 numbers
@Fabio Taccaliti - perhaps instead you can use readtable to read the table from file and then extract the data you need. For exa...
2 years ago | 1
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how to avoid getting 0 overlap on the pie chart?
@muhammad choudhry - since T is the array of handles to your text objects, you could just iterate through this array and hide th...
2 years ago | 0
Write a Matlab script that inputs a small number ε and large positive integer nMax, computes the smallest n∗such that
@Jason - I think you just need to get the nMax outside of the loop as presumably it is used to set a maximum number of iteration...
2 years ago | 0
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How to create a graph
@Abrahim - try changing the condition on your while loop so that you execute the code so long as the height is greater than zero...
2 years ago | 1
How to replace number with string in a matrix
@Ali Raza - if you wish to combine numeric values with strings, then I think that you would need to use a cell array.
2 years ago | 1
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mex.h not found
@Maia2022 - I have the same problem with this code because of the kdtree_common.h file where the path to the mex.h is hard-coded...
2 years ago | 1
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Oldest person in the room code not working
@Takura Nyatsuro - look closely at name >> name = ['bob' 'bill' 'janice' 'kyle']; >> name name = 'bobbilljanicekyle'...
2 years ago | 0
How do you create callback inside the callback?
@SooYoung Oh - highlight the button (from within App Designer) and right-click to select Callback -> Add ButtonPushed callback (...
2 years ago | 0
"brake" not working in Matlab 2021b - is there a fix or work around?
@William Farrell - the keyword is break not "brake".
2 years ago | 0
@bahar vojdani - I suspect that you are launching the MFO_toolbox.fig (figure) and not running the MFO_toolbox.m file (in fact, ...
2 years ago | 0
error message in app designer when closing app
@Leon - rather than using a while loop to update your label (which I suspect is the cause of the error), I recommend using a tim...
2 years ago | 0
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Why is my plot not showing anything?
@Aarya O - consider this line x = linspace(0,10,1); where you say that you want 1 linearly spaced item between 0 and 10. So th...
3 years ago | 1
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im currently still learning how to do Matlab why do i getting Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 6? (line 51) Rob.plot(y(i,:));
@Timothy Ambun - the error message is telling you that there are only 6 elements in y so for i = 1:1:51 atj=Rob.fkine(y(1,...
3 years ago | 0
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I want to use a for loop inside a function, where the for loop contains a subfuction. Each loop must store the variable value and make a matrix of all values, but I get 0s :(
@Nikolas Katsantonis - you are using a as an integer and as a result from test a=5; for n=1:a %<--- a...
3 years ago | 1
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The end operator must be used within an array index expression.
@Haya Ali - from this line plot(t(45/dt:end),minf(45/dt:end-1), 'r',t(45/dt:end), w(45/dt:end-1), 'g', 'LineWidth', 2) what is...
3 years ago | 0
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it says error using assert, assertion failed and error in iuntitled (line 10) assert(ischar(in))
@Ian - as per the function comment, Encode a single character i. I suspect that you are passing something else i.e. a numeric va...
3 years ago | 0
How to extract the column_13 from 79 csv files and save into the new csv file
@muhammad choudhry - create a cell array to store the 13th column from each file. For example, extractedData = cell(numel(list)...
3 years ago | 1
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How to plot histogram on axis in App designer
@Med Future - you can specity the axes as detailed in this example x = randn(10000,1); h = histogram(app.ULAxis, x);
3 years ago | 1
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How to Plot scatterplot in Single loop in App designer
@Med Future - if you create an array of your axes, then you will be able to loop over it. Something like the following might wor...
3 years ago | 0
If statement dictating acceptable range is not functioning properly, why?
@Aly Osman - what are the units for a and so the units for b? In your looping code, that includes the if statement, you do for ...
3 years ago | 0
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Please I have a code but it keep saying Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters.
@Sedulous12 - there is a semi-colon instead of (perphaps) a comma: 2*DETEnergyDetector(:,11).*DETEnergyDetector(:,12);'k.'); %...
3 years ago | 0
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How to autoscroll slider in this case using pushbutton?
@Swetha C - you may want to nest your code within a main function so that you don't have to use the @doc:guidata which may not b...
3 years ago | 0
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Return to the start of while or continue the script with an if condition
@JESUS LOPEZ ARENAL - you could put the more code into the else block, or just use continue as while i<j a=rand if a<...
3 years ago | 0
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How do I convert a 2d matrix to a 3d matrix?
@Mirza Etnisa - consider using cat to concatente your matrices along the third dimension: result = cat(3, Ekc1, Ekc2, Ekc3, Ekc...
3 years ago | 0