
Range of Values in a Matrix
Create a function that accepts a matrix of real numbers as input and returns the range of the values contained in the matrix. Th...

1 year ago


Getting values from a vector
This exercise is for finding the values that meet your criteria. a = [-5 28 7 83 73]; b = 23 ; c = (a > b) Then : c = ...

1 year ago


Create rectangular function.
Rectangular function - Wikipedia

1 year ago


Determine pressure altitude using field elevation and altimeter setting
Given an airfield's elevation in feet (ft) and the current altimeter setting in inches of mercury (inHg), calculate the pressure...

1 year ago


Determine ground distance from an aircraft to a DME station
In aviation, distance measuring equipment (DME) uses radio signals to determine slant distance from an aircraft to a ground stat...

1 year ago


Basic Matlab Operation Bonanza
Given a horizontal array of numbers, perform the following operations, in order: transpose, flip matrix horizontally, flip matri...

1 year ago


nxn matrix with elements from 1:n^2
really simple once you see what the matrix is supposed to look like. i appreciate what seems to be a clever approach to solving ...

1 year ago


0 から n までのベクトルを 2 間隔で作成します。

1 year ago


Determine if a number is a cool number
A number is considered cool if it is 3 digits, has a 5 in it, and is divisible by 4.

1 year ago


Sum of squares
Given a number n, return the sum of squares of all integers from 1 to n.

1 year ago


Palindrome vector
Check if a given vector is Palindrome. Example, [1 2 54 32 45 5 33 456 45 456 33 5 45 32 54 2 1]

1 year ago


Palindrome String
Determine if the inputted string is a palindrome. That is, the string is the same forwards as it is backwards. For example: ...

1 year ago


rotation et mise à l'échelle avec des complexes
Ecrire une fonction Zr=scale_rot(A,phi,Z) qui permet une mise à l'échelle d'un facteur A et une rotation d'un angle phi (en rad)...

1 year ago


Find mass of single floor in building
A model building has three floors are highlighted in different colours here: Assu...

1 year ago


Count integers in randomized vector that are multiples of a given number.
The mod() function We might all remember the days when we were taught to divide and then set the remainder aside if the numbers...

1 year ago


Lancer de dés
Ecrire une fonction qui imite le lancer d'un dé, i-e qui renvoie de façon aléatoire un entier entre 1 et 6. Attention cette fon...

1 year ago


Sum the prime numbers from 1-100
Write a function to sum up the prime numbers from 1-100.

1 year ago


Return part of an array
Given a 5x5 array, return a 3x3 array that contains the cells that are not on the edge of the array: Given this array Return...

1 year ago


Summing the last column column
Given a matrix, return the sum of the last column of the array.

1 year ago


A row vector, pick 1st number, skip 1,pick 3rd number, skip 2,pick,skip,etc then place all picked numbers in order in new vector
Having a row vector of number, pick the first number, place in new output vector as the first value, then skip one number, pick...

1 year ago


Find the smallest number leading to a maximal product of two numbers that concatenate to another number
Cody Problem 58971 involves the maximal product of numbers that concatenate to a number . For example, if , then the products ar...

1 year ago


Compute the maximal product of any two numbers whose concatenation is n
Write a function that takes an input and computes the maximal product of numbers that concatenate to . For example, if , then t...

1 year ago


Find out the smallest number 9 times greater
What is the smallest natural number where the result of moving the digit on the far right to the front of the number is a number...

1 year ago


Find the Peak Particle Velocity on a ETL structure
PPV is a vibration parameter that can connect stress to a structure, it is measured in mm/s or mm/s-1. The higher the PPV the mo...

1 year ago


Bullseye Matrix with Zeros
Inspired by Problem 18, create a bullseye matrix with the addition of padding equal to 0 between concentric rings. Matrices are ...

1 year ago


Make a "better" checkerboard matrix
This problem seeks to expand the task in Cody Problem 4 by allowing for the creation of checkerboard matrices that can be rectan...

1 year ago


Array size along k-th dimension
Given an n-dimensional array M, find the size of M along the k-th dimension (1 <= k <= n), without using size(), height() or wid...

1 year ago


Array Height (no usage of size)
Find the array height, the number of rows. Size may not be used.

1 year ago


Array Width (no usage of size)
Find the array width. Size may not be used.

1 year ago


Hemisphere Volume on Top of a Cylinder
This MATLAB function has to calculate the volume of a hemisphere placed on top of a cylinder, given valid inputs. It takes the r...

1 year ago

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