
Find my secret function IV
We use the same secret function used on the past "Find my secret function ..." x=23 -------->> y=3 X=1000 ------->> 163

9 months ago


Reepeating numbers in array
Repeating numbers in array In = [1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0]. Out = [1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5].

9 months ago


Compute the Sequence of the Day
A sequence starts with 1 and 2, and each subsequent term is the sum of the digits of the product of the previous two terms. As a...

9 months ago


List the erauqs

9 months ago


List the emirps
An emirp is a prime number that becomes a different prime when reversed. The numbers 13, 17, and 149 are emirps, but 11, 19, and...

9 months ago


Area under the curve
Compute area under the curve specified by points stored in y, where y is in range (0,inf) and x time step is 1. note: please r...

9 months ago


Find out Binomial coefficient
Find out the < Binomial coefficient>. There is a function available in MATL...

9 months ago


Find out DC Gain of transfer function
Find out DC Gain of transfer function Example, G(s)=5/ (s+2), then DC gain is 2.5 (put s=0)

9 months ago


Convert Decimal Number to Hex number (including non integer value)
Convert Decimal Number to Hex number (including non integer value) E.X. (2598.675) in decimal = A26.ACCC in hexa

9 months ago


Graph Algorithms - 1 : Length of the largest closed path
An undirected simple graph is given as the form of an adjacency matrix. Find the length of the largest closed path (one that sta...

9 months ago


Graph Algorithms 3: Number of Connected Components
Given an adjacency matrix of a simple undirected graph, find the number of connected components.

9 months ago


Identify Ruth-Aaron numbers
After Hank Aaron hit his 715th home run and passed Babe Ruth’s total of 714, Carl Pomerance noticed that the union of the prime ...

9 months ago


Determine if a number (x) is a power of another (n)
If the number x is indeed a power of n, then return true. Otherwise, return false. For example, if x = 9 and n =3, then pow = t...

9 months ago


Count integers in randomized vector that are multiples of a given number.
The mod() function We might all remember the days when we were taught to divide and then set the remainder aside if the numbers...

9 months ago


Find the worst traffic yesterday
A traffic monitoring system records traffic density for the highway in front of the MathWorks headquarters using a raspberry pi ...

9 months ago


Find my secret function III
only write a function gives you an outputs as expls: input: x=2 ------->>> Output: Y=1 input: x=100 ------->>> Output: Y=...

9 months ago


Find my secret function II
If give my function a x value it will give me a y value, so find the secret of it: Examples: input x=23 ---- >>> output y=1...

9 months ago


Ackerman Function

9 months ago


Error handling
If the input is a negative number, generate an error. Otherwise, return the number.

9 months ago


Is this function available?
Sometimes it is difficult to remember which functions are not allowed on the Cody platform. Given a function as a string, return...

9 months ago


Get factory-defined property values
Given a property name (e.g. 'AxesUnits', 'LineMarkerSize', 'UicontrolBackgroundColor'), return the factory-defined value for tha...

9 months ago


yet another flying fly (YAFF)
Same as the previous problem < fly fly away> but now with *...

9 months ago


Determine whether the given number is palindrome or not.
A palindromic number (also known as a numeral palindrome or a numeric palindrome) is a number (such as 16461) that remains the s...

9 months ago


Compute the nth Pythagorean prime
Pythagorean primes have the form p = 4n+1, where n is an integer, and they can be written as the sum of squares of two integers....

9 months ago


Bullseye Matrix with Zeros
Inspired by Problem 18, create a bullseye matrix with the addition of padding equal to 0 between concentric rings. Matrices are ...

9 months ago


Sky full of stars - 02
draw an isosceles triangle with asterisks of size n. For example, for n=6 ' * ' ' *** ' ' **...

9 months ago


Sky full of stars - 01
Draw a right triangle with asterisks of size n. For example, for n=5 '* ' '** ' '*** ' '**** ' ...

9 months ago


The Tortoise and the Hare - 01
Suppose in an infinitely long line, the hare is standing in position 0. From that place, it can jump either in the +ve direct...

9 months ago


Identify the sequence
Given a row vector, x, return 1 if it is an arithmetic series, or 2 if it is a geometric series. If it is neither, return 0. ...

9 months ago

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