Integrate function by for loop
As always look carefully at your code. Learn to use the debugger. It would tell you the problem, and in which line there was a p...

3 months ago | 0

matrix, where each element is a column vector
You don't need a cell array at all! Just use a 3-d array. A = randn(11,7,1001); Now to compute the max in each vector, just u...

3 months ago | 1

inverser la matrice tri-diagonale
As much as I hate the suggestion, you could trivially use inv. ;-) Better would be to use sparse matrices. That is, learn to us...

3 months ago | 0

Solve long matrices equation
This is a classic algebraic Ricatti equation. How do you solve it in ...

3 months ago | 0

fminsearch doesn't converge to the right value
These things are always easier than you think. Well, except when they are just as hard as you think. ;-) First, I'll create x a...

3 months ago | 1

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How to use a variable from script in a function that is in another script
Just create your function like this. In my example, k3 and m3 will be assigned, so that you can see how it works. k3 = 3; m3 =...

3 months ago | 0

How do I lower an image quality?
There are other ways to lower image quality. Several ideas have already been mentioned. Resize the image, then expand it back u...

3 months ago | 1

I am struggling trying to figure out this code I have it completed but I keep getting errors, can you help?
I need to laugh (sorry, but it is true) every time I see someone claim they have completely written a long piece of code, and cl...

3 months ago | 0

Finding intermediate points between two cartesian coordinates in 3D
You cannot find ALL the points between any pair, in any number of dimensions. At best, you can describe the set of all such poin...

3 months ago | 1

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How to find the point that resides on a contour that is closest to a known point?
You can't. That is, you cannot use calculus to do this, at least not as it is, not directly. That contour is a set of piecewise ...

3 months ago | 0

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i want to solve 3 non linear equations in matlab
You can want anything you want. I, for example, want to see peace in the world, with everyone treating everyone else as an equal...

3 months ago | 0

I need the installer for Matlab R2010b SP1
We cannot help you. Answers does not have software, cannot supply it. The only people who would be able to help you are at MathW...

3 months ago | 0

problem with genetic algorithm
Clearly, your constraint function is not evaluating as a real number. It is likely complex, based on the error message. (Though ...

3 months ago | 0

fsolve stopped because the last step was ineffective
This is a common mistake I see being made. You have a problem that has symmetries in it. x(1), x(2), x(3) all play similar parts...

3 months ago | 1

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Accessing a vector form a matrix
As an example, given vectors x1,x2,x3. I'll make some up. x1 = randi(10,1,5) x2 = randi(10,1,5) x3 = randi(10,1,5) Combine t...

3 months ago | 0

Find the variable inside the LCM argument
You have the expression: B=lcm(nrt,Nr*Nc) where the variables B and nrt are known. The unknown variable is the product nr*...

3 months ago | 1

volume calculation from the DelaunayTri(x,y,z) function
Its not THAT hard. You compute the volume of each simplex in the tessellation. Sum the absolute values up. (Since those simplexe...

3 months ago | 1

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is there any reason for this?
Is there any reason? Well, does there absolutely need to be a "reason"? These are a set of choices, made over a period of multip...

3 months ago | 1

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find a zero of a two-variable function
A two variable function is a surface. (@Sam Chak said this, but did not take the idea to the point of completion.) But if a sur...

3 months ago | 0

Extracting values from optimization variable and setting constraints
Are you saying you want to constraint the sum of absolute values? That is, in context of a LINEAR programming problem? This is ...

3 months ago | 0

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I am trying to do multi step math and keep returning the wrong answer
Of course it is wrong. Why did you write 72/13? Why 25/3? I think you don't understand that 8(1/3) is NOT the same thing as ...

3 months ago | 0

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Calling GA() with 10 generations 10x vs GA() with 100 generations.
Is there any difference? Of course! Make it more extreme yet. Suppose you were to stop after 1 iteration. ONLY 1. But do it 100 ...

3 months ago | 0

Check the result if it is divisible or not
Do you understand that you are using DOUBLE precision arithmetic to compute that mod? Do you understand that 7^2026 is a number ...

3 months ago | 2

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Treating ties in a Gaussian Elimination process
Um, max does exactly that. Where is there a problem? x = [1 2 3 4 3 4 1]; [xmax,ind] = max(x)

3 months ago | 0

Matlab editor settings: notify undefined variables
For one example of a scenario where a variable appears to be undefined, yet is properly used, consider the case of a nested func...

3 months ago | 0

Trying to determine roots of this polynomial (Det)
k = [1750 -750 0; -750 1250 -500; 0 -500 500]; m = [75 0 0; 0 75 0; 0 0 50]; D=inv(m)*k; syms x I = [x,0,0;0,x,0;0,0,x]; La...

3 months ago | 1

Area using trapezoidal rule
Um, this is WRONG. Basic integral calculus does NOT say a result should never be negative. You are possibly misunderstanding wha...

3 months ago | 1

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Incorrect Coefficients from Symbolic Polynomial Equation Solving
NO. You think there is a unique solution. But that is wrong. syms a1 a2 a3 a4 x; % Define symbolic variables % Define the equ...

3 months ago | 0

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How do I extract one point from a piecewise function?
You can define a piecewise function as a symbolic function. For example... syms t M_xy(t) = piecewise(t < 0, 0, t > 0, t); % N...

4 months ago | 0

Why isn't my MATLAB plot not showing up?
A STRONG suggestion is when you do something, to look at the results of your code. Don't just give up when you see nothing in th...

4 months ago | 0

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