Why I’ve Stayed at MathWorks

By Christina, sales manager

By Christina, sales manager
I have been in sales management in the MathWorks Munich office for almost 20 years, which I have found is quite rare when I compare notes with friends in similar roles at other tech companies. So what has kept me at MathWorks for such a long time? MathWorks is simply unique in many ways, and my list of highlights is long and varied. However, my short list would certainly include learning, teamwork, giving back, and having fun.
One of our company core values is learning and self-improvement, and I have always strived to provide a learning environment for my team. Each year, the company introduces new sales tools to promote effective prospecting, selling, and strategizing, so I regularly offer a best-practice platform to share ideas on impactful use cases. These discussions spark others’ interest in reusing ideas and replicating successes.
In addition to continuous learning, giving back to the community, and having a strong team, I like to make sure that we don’t forget to have fun at the same time.
To ensure that my team is learning as they grow, it’s also important for me to be a part of the team myself to encourage and support “thinking outside the box.” I actively coach improvement areas to make sure that my account managers are expanding their horizons to let new ideas in. Everyone on my team has developed areas of specialization, so that they in turn are able to coach others to go the extra mile and achieve things they did not know were possible. MathWorks is about learning.
One of the main reasons I come to work every day feeling motivated is my team. Each of my direct reports has personal strengths, and I aim to provide an environment in which each individual can grow based on what they do best. For example, we have set up a team chat that provides a platform for everyone to ask questions and seek advice about sales topics but is also a place where they can share personal anecdotes. Providing a respectful, motivational, and emotionally intelligent environment promotes team spirit and leads to success!
It’s also about being there for each other. Each of my account managers is happy to step up to cover each other during absences, and the communication with the extended team in our Shared Service Center in Galway, Ireland, works seamlessly in this context. As a result, staff have built friendships, and stability within my team has remained consistent over many years. MathWorks is about teamwork.
I feel very passionate about volunteering, which is something MathWorks also strongly supports. I have always been very impressed by how the company gives back to local communities and offers employees the opportunity to support initiatives where helping hands are needed. Over the years I have advocated team members’ stepping up to volunteer at animal shelters, support organizations for the homeless, or provide food to the needy in the Munich area. MathWorks is about giving back.
Christina and fellow MathWorkers volunteering at an animal shelter.
In sales we work hard to exceed our revenue goals every year, and my team has been consistently successful at this. What is the key to our success? In addition to continuous learning, giving back to the community, and having a strong team, I like to make sure that we don’t forget to have fun at the same time. To maintain a healthy work-life balance, I really enjoy organizing events that my team will remember for many years to come. These activities include outings, virtual escape rooms, treasure hunts, hikes, Segway tours, boat trips, and dinners, consistently strengthening team bonding on many levels. MathWorks is about having fun.
Staff from the German offices enjoy ziplining.
In summary, I am lucky. I have a motivated, driven, successful, goal-oriented team of account managers who are eager to learn, support each other, give back, and have fun. These are reasons enough for why I am still at MathWorks after so many years … and still going strong!