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Get filter bandwidths


bw = getBandwidths(obj) returns the bandwidths of the filters created by obj, in Hz.


collapse all

Create a default gammatoneFilterBank. Call getBandwidths to get the bandwidths of the filters, in Hz.

gammaFiltBank = gammatoneFilterBank;

bw = getBandwidths(gammaFiltBank)
bw = 1×32

   30.6688   34.2080   38.1555   42.5583   47.4691   52.9463   59.0554   65.8692   73.4690   81.9456   91.3999  101.9449  113.7064  126.8246  141.4561  157.7754  175.9773  196.2789  218.9225  244.1782  272.3473  303.7659  338.8089  377.8944  421.4887  470.1119  524.3441  584.8325  652.2986  727.5474  811.4768  905.0880

Input Arguments

collapse all

Object to get filter bandwidth from, specified as an object of gammatoneFilterBank.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Filter bandwidths in Hz, returned a scalar or vector.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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