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Write to file using Protein Data Bank (PDB) format


pdbwrite(File, PDBStruct)
PDBArray = pdbwrite(File, PDBStruct)

Input Arguments

FileCharacter vector or string specifying either a file name or a path and file name for saving the PDB-formatted data. If you specify only a file name, the file is saved to the MATLAB® Current Folder.
PDBStructMATLAB structure containing 3-D protein structure coordinate data, created initially by using the getpdb or pdbread functions.


You can edit this structure to modify its 3-D protein structure data. The coordinate information is stored in the Model field of PDBStruct.

Output Arguments

PDBArrayCharacter array in which each row corresponds to a line in a PDB record.


pdbwrite(File, PDBStruct) writes the contents of the MATLAB structure PDBStruct to a PDB-formatted file (ASCII text file) whose path and file name are specified by File. In the output file, File, the atom serial numbers are preserved. The atomic coordinate records are ordered according to their atom serial numbers.

PDBArray = pdbwrite(File, PDBStruct) saves the formatted PDB record, converted from the contents of the MATLAB structure PDBStruct, to PDBArray, a character array in which each row corresponds to a line in a PDB record.


You can edit PDBStruct to modify its 3-D protein structure data. The coordinate information is stored in the Model field of PDBStruct.


  1. Use the getpdb function to retrieve structure information from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) for the green fluorescent protein with identifier 1GFL , and store the data in the MATLAB structure gflstruct.

    gflstruct = getpdb('1GFL');
  2. Find the x-coordinate of the first atom.

    ans =
  3. Edit the x-coordinate of the first atom.

    gflstruct.Model.Atom(1).X = -18;


    Do not add or remove any Atom fields, because the pdbwrite function does not allow the number of elements in the structure to change.

  4. Write the modified MATLAB structure gflstruct to a new PDB-formatted file modified_gfl.pdb in the Work folder on your C drive.

    pdbwrite('c:\work\modified_gfl.pdb', gflstruct);
  5. Use the pdbread function to read the modified PDB file into a MATLAB structure, then confirm that the x-coordinate of the first atom has changed.

    modified_gflstruct = pdbread('c:\work\modified_gfl.pdb')
    ans =

Version History

Introduced in R2007a

See Also


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