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Build options

Build action

Defines how MATLAB® Coder™ Support Package for NVIDIA® Jetson™ and NVIDIA DRIVE® Platforms software responds when you press Ctrl+B to build your model.


Default: Build and run


With this option, pressing Ctrl+B or clicking Build Model:

  1. Generates code from the model.

  2. Compiles and links the code into an executable with libraries.

This option does not load and run the executable on the NVIDIA hardware board.

Build and run

With this option, pressing Ctrl+B or clicking Build Model:

  1. Generates code from the model.

  2. Compiles and links the code into an executable with libraries.

  3. Loads the executable and libraries into the NVIDIA hardware board.

  4. Runs the executable in the NVIDIA hardware board.

Build directory

Enter the build directory where the Simulink® model is deployed. This folder contains a symbolic link to the deployed executable. For example, if you specify Build directory as /home/ubuntu, the support package adds a folder structure, /MATLAB_ws/R2020b, inside your Build directory, where MATLAB_ws is the workspace directory and R2020b is the release version of MATLAB. This folder contains a symbolic link that points to the actual location of the deployed executable.


Default: /home/<username>


Set the display environment value on the NVIDIA hardware board. The display environment value must be a character vector in the format displaynumber.screennumber. To identify the value of the display environment on your platform, use the $DISPLAY environment variable. For example, the terminal command echo $DISPLAY prints the display environment value of the system.


Default: 0.0

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