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Look up a layer by name or path

Since R2024a


    layer = getLayer(net,layerName) returns the layer specified by layerName from the dlnetwork object net.


    layer = getLayer(net,layerPath) returns the layer specified by layerPath from the dlnetwork object net.



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    Define a simple network architecture and display the network in a plot.

    net = dlnetwork;
    layers = [
        imageInputLayer([28 28])
    net = addLayers(net,layers);

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type graphplot.

    Look up the convolution layer by name. You can then edit the layer and replace it using the getLayer function.

    convLayer = getLayer(net,"conv")
    convLayer = 
      Convolution2DLayer with properties:
                  Name: 'conv'
            FilterSize: [3 3]
           NumChannels: 'auto'
            NumFilters: 16
                Stride: [1 1]
        DilationFactor: [1 1]
           PaddingMode: 'same'
           PaddingSize: []
          PaddingValue: 0
       Learnable Parameters
               Weights: []
                  Bias: []
    Use properties method to see a list of all properties.

    If you know the index of the layer, you can alternatively look it up by index.

    convLayer = net.Layers(2);

    Define a network architecture containing several network layers.

    net = dlnetwork;
    layers = [lstmLayer(100,OutputMode="sequence")
    lstmDropoutLayer = networkLayer(layers);
    layers = [sequenceInputLayer(3)
    net = addLayers(net,layers);

    Plot the network.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type graphplot.

    Look up the first LSTM layer by specifying the path to the layer. The path includes the name of the network layer ("subnet_1") and the name of the LSTM layer ("lstm"), separated by a forward slash. You can use the path to look up layers nested within a hierarchy of multiple network layers.

    tempLSTMLayer = getLayer(net,"subnet_1/lstm");

    Edit properties of the layer, and replace the original layer with the modified layer.

    tempLSTMLayer.InputWeightsInitializer = "zeros";
    tempLSTMLayer.RecurrentWeightsInitializer = "zeros";
    tempLSTMLayer.BiasInitializer = "ones";
    tempLSTMLayer.Name = "modifiedLSTM";

    Replace the original layer with the modified layer, specifying the network, the path to the layer to replace, and the modified layer.

    net = replaceLayer(net,"subnet_1/lstm",tempLSTMLayer);

    Input Arguments

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    Neural network, specified as a dlnetwork object.

    Name of layer to look up, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

    Example: "conv1"

    Data Types: char | string

    Path to nested layer, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

    For a layer within a networkLayer, specify layerPath as:

    • The name of the network layer and the name of the nested layer separated by a forward slash "/". For example, the path to a layer named "nestedLayerName" in a network layer named "networkLayerName" is "networkLayerName/nestedLayerName". If there are multiple levels of nested layers, then specify the path using the form networkLayerName1/.../networkLayerNameN/nestedLayerName.

    Custom layers can have a dlnetwork as a learnable or state property. For a layer of a dlnetwork in the property of a custom layer, specify layerPath as:

    • The name of the custom layer, the name of the dlnetwork property, and the name of the nested layer separated by forward slashes "/". For example, the path to a layer named "layerName" inside a dlnetwork property named "propertyName" of a custom layer named "customLayerName" is "customLayerName/propertyName/layerName". If there are multiple levels of nested layers, then specify the path using the form "customLayerName1/propertyName1/.../customLayerNameN/propertyNameN/layerName".

    Data Types: char | string

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a

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