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Embedded Coder Support Package for Linux Applications

Support package to deploy, interface with, manage, and calibrate service-oriented architecture (SOA) applications that run on a Linux® platform

Embedded Coder® Support Package for Linux Applications supports generating code, creating an executable, running and stopping the executable in the target execution environment, and instrumenting the running application. The support package enables you to interact with multiple target computers at the same time.

The Embedded Coder Support Package for Linux Applications supports:

  • Packaging and deployment

  • Linux Runtime Manager app

  • Log viewer

  • Instrumentation

Linux Runtime Manager application that runs on your development computer enables you to manage applications on multiple target computers. You apply most of the support package functionality from the Linux Runtime Manager app.

Best practices to reduce the security risks while using the support package:

  • Restrict the access to host and target computer to trusted IP addresses.

  • Use dedicated router private network between host and target computer.

  • Restrict privileges to deployment location to the necessary users.


linux.TargetsInterface for managing target computers (Since R2022b)
linuxTargetInterface for managing target computer (Since R2024a)


Linux Runtime ManagerDeploy and prototype service-oriented architecture (SOA) application components (Since R2022b)


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linux.utils.migrateDds2AdaptiveConvert DDS blockset model to AUTOSAR Adaptive model (Since R2022b)
addTargetAdd target computer to target computers object (Since R2022b)
connectConnect Simulink to selected target computer (Since R2022b)
disconnectDisconnect Simulink from selected target computer (Since R2022b)
getIPAddressGet IP address of target computer (Since R2022b)
getSSHPortGet port number connected to target computer (Since R2023b)
getTargetGet handle of target computer (Since R2022b)
getTargetNameGet target computer name (Since R2022b)
getUserNameGet user name of target computer (Since R2022b)
isConnectedGet Boolean value representing target computer connection status (Since R2022b)
removeApplicationPackageRemove application package from selected target computer (Since R2022b)
removeTargetDelete target computer (Since R2022b)
renameTargetRename target computer (Since R2022b)
restartContainerRestart or recreate docker container (Since R2024a)
setIPAddressSet IP address for target computer (Since R2022b)
setPasswordSet password for target computer (Since R2022b)
setSSHPortSet SSH port number (Since R2023b)
setTargetConnectionStatusCallbackSet callback function to trigger when status of connection to target computer changes (Since R2022b)
setUserNameSet user name for target computer (Since R2022b)
uninstallTargetDelete docker image on target computer (Since R2022b)
updateTargetUpdate docker image on target computer if there is a version mismatch (Since R2022b)
deployApplicationPackageDeploy application package to selected target computer (Since R2022b)
getAllTargetsGet list of available target computers (Since R2022b)
getApplicationsGet applications deployed to target computer and application states (Since R2022b)
getApplicationStateGet state of application deployed to target computer (Since R2022b)
getDeploymentLocationGet deployment location for selected target computer (Since R2022b)
linux.createApplicationPackageCreate application package for model (Since R2022b)
linux.utils.getApplicationPackageDescriptionGet application package description (Since R2024a)
pauseApplicationPause application running on target computer (Since R2022b)
resumeApplicationResume application on target computer (Since R2022b)
setApplicationStateCallbackTrigger a function when state of application changes (Since R2022b)
setDeploymentLocationSet location for deployed application on target computer (Since R2022b)
startApplicationLaunch application (Since R2022b)
stopApplicationTerminate application that is running on target computer (Since R2022b)
getMeasurementsGet list of measurable signals (Since R2022b)
getParametersGet list of tunable parameters (Since R2022b)
getSignalsUnderInstrumentView signals selected to measure (Since R2022b)
linux.LogMessagesCreate object that contains target log messages (Since R2022b)
linux.LogMessages.getFilter and get log messages (Since R2022b)
readParameterGet value of parameter (Since R2022b)
readParametersGet values of tunable parameters (Since R2022b)
removeSignalsFromInstrumentRemove signals for which visualization is not required (Since R2022b)
restartStreamingRestart streaming of signals (Since R2022b)
selectSignalsToInstrumentAdd signals of interest to visualize application behavior (Since R2022b)
startMonitorAndTuneStart parameter tuning and signal monitoring (Since R2022b)
startStreamingStart streaming of signals and visualize results (Since R2022b)
stopMonitorAndTuneStop parameter tuning of the application (Since R2022b)
stopStreamingStop streaming signal data (Since R2022b)
writeParameterWrite or tune application parameter (Since R2022b)


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