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Return default mapping categories for model functions



categories = coder.mapping.defaults.functionCategories() returns a cell array of names for categories of model functions that you can map to property settings, including a function customization template and memory section. The function customization template mapped to a category defines how the code generator produces code for that category of functions. To set up function category, property, and value combinations for a model, use the category names that the function returns in calls to:

  • coder.mapping.defaults.allowedProperties

  • coder.mapping.defaults.allowedValues

  • coder.mapping.defaults.set


Get Model Function Categories

Get a list of the available function categories by calling coder.mapping.defaults.functionCategories.

catFunc = coder.mapping.defaults.functionCategories();

catFunc =

  1×3 cell array

    {'InitializeTerminate'}    {'Execution'}    {'SharedUtility'}

Output Arguments

collapse all

Cell array of names for default mapping function categories.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a