addCheck(objective, checkID)
adds the specified check to the specified objective in the Code Generation Advisor.
When you select the objective, the Code Generation Advisor includes the check,
unless another objective with a higher priority excludes the check.
Create a custom objective named Reduced RAM
Example that runs checks and verifies parameter values to confirm
that the model is configured to reduce the RAM used by the generated
Create a file sl_customization.m to contain a callback
function that creates the custom
function sl_customization(cm)
%SL_CUSTOMIZATION objective customization callback
objCustomizer = cm.ObjectiveCustomizer;
index = objCustomizer.addCallbackObjFcn(@addObjectives);
Create and configure the objective in the addObjectives
function. Set the name of the objective and add checks and parameters to
verify. Then register the objective in the Code Generation
function addObjectives
% Create the custom objective
obj = rtw.codegenObjectives.Objective('ex_ram_1');
setObjectiveName(obj, 'Reduce RAM Example');
% Add parameters to the objective
addParam(obj, 'InlineParams', 'on');
addParam(obj, 'BooleanDataType', 'on');
addParam(obj, 'OptimizeBlockIOStorage', 'on');
addParam(obj, 'EnhancedBackFolding', 'on');
addParam(obj, 'BooleansAsBitfields', 'on');
% Add additional checks to the objective% The Code Generation Advisor automatically includes 'Check model% configuration settings against code generation objectives' in every% objective.
addCheck(obj, 'mathworks.codegen.CodeInstrumentation');
addCheck(obj, 'mathworks.codegen.UseRowMajorAlgorithm');
%Register the objective
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