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Normalize transformation or rotation matrix

Since R2023b


    transformationN = normalize(transformation) normalizes the rotation of the transformation transformation and returns a transformation, transformationN, that is equivalent to transformation, but with normalized rotation.

    rotationN = normalize(rotation) normalizes the rotation of the rotation rotation and returns a rotation, rotationN, that is equivalent to rotation, but with normalized rotation.


    The transformation and rotation objects do not automatically normalize their rotations. You must use normalize each time you need to normalize a transformation or rotation. You may need to do this if:

    • You specified an unnormalized input transformation or rotation at the creation of the transformation or rotation object.

    • You performed many operations on the transformation or rotation objects such as mtimes, *, which may cause the transformation or rotation to become unnormalized due to data type precision.

    ___ = normalize(___,Method=normMethod) specifies the normalization method normMethod that the normalize function uses to normalize the specified transformation or rotation.

    Input Arguments

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    Transformation, specified as a scalar se2 object, a scalar se3 object, or an N-element array of transformation objects. N is the total number of transformations.

    If you specify transformation as an array, each element must be of the same type.

    Rotation, specified as a scalar so2 object, a scalar so3 object, or as an N-element array of rotation objects. N is the total number of rotations.

    If you specify rotation as an array, each element must be of the same type.

    Normalization method, specified as one of these options:

    • "quat" — Convert the rotation submatrix into a normalized quaternion and then convert the normalized quaternion back to a transformation or rotation object. For more information, see the normalize of the quaternion object.

    • "cross" — Normalize the third column of the rotation submatrix and then determine the other two columns through cross products.

    • "svd" — Use singular value decomposition to find the closest orthonormal matrix by setting singular values to 1. This solves the orthogonal Procrustes problem.

    Data Types: char | string

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Normalized transformation, returned as an se2 or se3 object.

    Normalized rotation, returned as an so2 or so3 object.

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023b

    See Also



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