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Update Nyquist zone

Since R2020b


applyNyquistZone(rfDataConverter) updates the Nyquist zone for the specified RF data converter. Each RF-ADC and RF-DAC channel operates input signals in a Nyquist zone. Zones 1, 3, 5, and so on are odd Nyquist zones, and zones 2, 4, 6, and so on are even Nyquist zones. The first Nyquist zone is a signal between 0 and Fs/2, and the second Nyquist zone is a signal between Fs/2 and Fs. In these cases, Fs is the sample frequency. For more information on RF-ADC and RF-DAC Nyquist zone operations, see Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC RF Data Converter v2.3 from the Xilinx® website.

Input Arguments

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RF data converter, specified as an soc.RFDataConverter object. Via Ethernet, this object connects the host computer to the RF data converter on the connected SoC device. Use the object functions and properties of this object to configure the RF data converter.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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