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Choose Solution to Install and Configure MATLAB Parallel Server

Consult the following tables for help with the most common tasks while setting up MATLAB® Parallel Server™. The tables help you to choose when you want to:

Activate the License for, Install, and Configure MATLAB Parallel Server on the Cluster

Consult the following table if you are getting started and you want to install and configure MATLAB Parallel Server for your cluster.

You have a Slurm scheduler in your cluster.Follow Install MATLAB Parallel Server for Slurm.

You have an existing scheduler in your cluster, such as

  • LSF®

  • PBS

  • Torque

  • Grid Engine

  • HPC Pack

  • Hadoop®

Follow Install MATLAB Parallel Server for Other Third-Party Schedulers.
You do not have an existing scheduler in your cluster.You want to manage licensing of your cluster users on premises.Set up the MATLAB Job Scheduler, which comes with MATLAB Parallel Server. Follow Install for MATLAB Job Scheduler with Network License Manager.
You want to use MathWorks® online licensing for your cluster users.Set up the MATLAB Job Scheduler, which comes with MATLAB Parallel Server. Follow Install for MATLAB Job Scheduler with Online Licensing.

Flowchart that shows the choices in the preceding table

Configure a MATLAB Client for a User to Submit Jobs to the Cluster

Consult the following table if you already have a cluster configured and you want to configure a new MATLAB client to submit jobs to the cluster.


The cluster uses a third-party scheduler and you meet all of these conditions:

  • The scheduler has out-of-the-box support in MATLAB. The schedulers with out-of-the-box support are Slurm, LSF, PBS Pro®, OpenPBS, Grid Engine, Torque, HPC Pack.

  • There is a shared file system between the client machine and the cluster nodes.

  • The client machine has the third-party scheduler submission tools installed. You can check this by executing the relevant commands in a command line. For example, the Slurm submission script is sbatch.

See Install Software on Local Desktop. Then,

The cluster is a Hadoop cluster.Start from Client Configuration.

The cluster uses a third-party scheduler.

Follow Configure Using the Generic Scheduler Interface.
The cluster uses the MATLAB Job Scheduler.


You can export a cluster profile and import it in another client machine. For more information, see Import and Export Cluster Profiles (Parallel Computing Toolbox). This is useful when you are configuring another client machine with the same configuration, to avoid recreating the cluster profile manually.

Upgrade MATLAB Parallel Server

Consult the following table if you want to configure a new release of MATLAB Parallel Server.

The cluster uses a third-party scheduler.

Follow Install MATLAB Parallel Server for Other Third-Party Schedulers to

  • Activate and install the new version of MATLAB Parallel Server on the cluster.

  • Configure the cluster and client machines.

The cluster uses the MATLAB Job Scheduler.

  1. Stop the mjs service of the older release. For instructions, see Stop mjs Services of Old Installation.

  2. Install the new version of MATLAB Parallel Server on the cluster and configure the MATLAB Job Scheduler. For more information, see Run Multiple MATLAB Parallel Server Versions. For help with activation, installation, and configuration, consult the table in Activate the License for, Install, and Configure MATLAB Parallel Server on the Cluster.