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Create Callbacks for Apps Created Programmatically

To program a UI component in your app to respond to an app user's input, create a callback function for that UI component. A callback function is a function that executes in response to a user interaction, such as a click on a button. Every UI component has multiple callback properties, each of which corresponds to a specific action. When a user runs your app and performs one of these actions, MATLAB® executes the function assigned to the associated callback property.

For example, if your app contains a button, you might want to make the app update when a user clicks that button. You can do this by writing a function that performs the update, then setting the ButtonPushedFcn property of the button to a handle to your function. You can assign a callback function to a callback property as a name-value argument when you create the component, or you can set the property using dot notation from anywhere in your code.

To determine the callback properties a UI component has, see the properties page of the specific UI component.

Callback Function Arguments

When a UI component executes a callback function, MATLAB automatically passes two input arguments to the function. These input arguments are often named src and event. The first argument is the UI component that triggered the callback. The second argument provides event data to the callback function. The event data that it provides is specific to the callback property and the component type. To determine the event data associated with a callback property, see the properties page of the UI component that executes the callback.

For example, the updateDropDown function uses these callback inputs to add items to an editable drop-down menu when the user types a new value. When the drop-down executes the addItems callback, src contains the drop-down component, and event contains information about the interaction. The function uses the event.Edited property to check if the value is a new value that the user typed, or an existing item. Then, if the value is new, the function uses the event.Value property to add the value to the drop-down items.

To run this function, save it to a file named updateDropDown.m on the MATLAB path. Type a new value in the drop-down menu, press Enter, and view the updated drop-down items.

function updateDropDown
  fig = uifigure('Position',[500 500 300 200]);
  dd = uidropdown(fig, ...
    'Editable','on', ...
    'Items',{'Red','Green','Blue'}, ...

function addItems(src,event)
  val = event.Value;
  if event.Edited
    src.Items{end+1} = val;

A UI figure window with a label and drop-down. The drop-down value is "Purple", and the items contain "Purple" as an option.

Specify a Callback Function

Assign a callback function to a callback property in one of the following ways:

Specify a Function Handle

Function handles provide a way to represent a function as a variable. The function can be either a local or nested function in the same file as the app code, or a function defined in a separate file that is on the MATLAB path. To create the function handle, specify the @ operator before the name of the function.

For example, to create a button that responds to a click, save the following function to a file named codeButtonResponse.m on the MATLAB path. This code creates a button using the uibutton function and sets the ButtonPushedFcn property to be a handle to the function buttonCallback. It creates this handle using the notation @buttonCallback. Notice that the function handle does not explicitly refer to any input arguments, but the function declaration includes the src and event input arguments.

function codeButtonResponse
  fig = uifigure('Position',[500 500 300 200]);
  btn = uibutton(fig,'ButtonPushedFcn',@buttonCallback);
  function buttonCallback(src,event)
    disp('Button pressed');

A UI figure window with a button component.

A benefit of specifying callbacks as function handles is that MATLAB checks each callback function for syntax errors and missing dependencies when you assign it to the component. If there is a problem in a callback function, then MATLAB returns an error immediately instead of waiting for the user to trigger the callback. This behavior helps you to find problems in your code before the user encounters them.

Specify a Cell Array

All callbacks accept two input arguments for the source and event. To specify a callback that accepts additional input arguments beyond these two, use a cell array. The first element in the cell array is a function handle. The other elements in the cell array are the additional input arguments you want to use, separated by commas. The function you specify must accept the source and event arguments as its first two input arguments, as described in Specify a Function Handle. However, you can define additional inputs in your function declaration after these first two arguments.

For example, the codeComponentResponse function creates a button and a check box component that both use the same function as a callback, but that pass different arguments to it. To specify different input arguments for the different components, set the callback properties of both components to cell arrays. The first element of the cell array is a handle to the componentCallback function, and the second is the additional input argument to pass to the function.

To run this example, save the function to a file named codeComponentResponse.m on the MATLAB path. When you select or clear the check box, MATLAB displays You clicked the check box. When you click the button, MATLAB displays You clicked the button.

function codeComponentResponse
  fig = uifigure('Position',[500 500 300 200]);
  cbx = uicheckbox(fig,'Position',[100 125 84 22], ...
    'ValueChangedFcn',{@componentCallback,'check box'});
  btn = uibutton(fig,'Position',[100 75 84 22], ...
  function componentCallback(src,event,comp)
    disp(['You clicked the ' comp]);

A UI figure window with a check box component above a button component.

Like callbacks specified as function handles, MATLAB checks callbacks specified as cell arrays for syntax errors and missing dependencies when you assign them to a component. If there is a problem in the callback function, then MATLAB returns an error immediately instead of waiting for the user to trigger the callback. This behavior helps you to find problems in your code before the user encounters them.

Specify an Anonymous Function

An anonymous function is a function that is not stored in a program file. Specify an anonymous function when:

  • You want a UI component to execute a function that does not support the two source and event arguments that are required for function handles and cell arrays.

  • You want a UI component to execute a script.

  • Your callback consists of a single executable statement.

To specify an anonymous function, create a function handle with the two required source and event input arguments that executes your callback function, script, or statement.

For example, the changeSlider function creates a slider UI component and a button to increment the slider value. The incrementSlider function does not have the source and event input arguments, since it is designed to be callable either inside or outside of a callback. To execute incrementSlider when the button is pressed, create an anonymous function that accepts the src and event input arguments, ignores them, and executes incrementSlider.

To run the changeSlider function, save the code below to a file named changeSlider.m on the MATLAB path.

function changeSlider
  fig = uifigure('Position',[500 500 300 200]);
  s = uislider(fig,'Position',[75 150 150 3]);
  b = uibutton(fig,'Position',[100 50 100 22], ...
    'Text','Increment', ...
  function incrementSlider
    if s.Value < s.Limits(2)
      s.Value = s.Value + 1;

A UI figure window with a slider component with a value of 1, and a button below the slider with the text "Increment".

When your callback is a single executable statement, you can specify the callback as an anonymous function to avoid needing to define a separate function for the statement. For example, the following code creates a button that displays Button pressed when the button is clicked by specifying a callback as an anonymous function.

fig = uifigure('Position',[500 500 300 200]);
btn = uibutton(fig,'ButtonPushedFcn',@(src,event)disp('Button pressed'));

A UI figure window with a button component.

Unlike with callbacks specified as function handles or cell arrays, MATLAB does not check callbacks specified as anonymous functions for syntax errors and missing dependencies when you assign them to a component. If there is a problem with the anonymous function, it remains undetected until the user triggers the callback.

Specify Text Containing MATLAB Commands (Not Recommended)

You can specify a callback as a character vector or a string scalar when you want to execute a few simple commands, but the callback can become difficult to manage if it contains more than a few commands. Unlike with callbacks that are specified as function handles or cell arrays, MATLAB does not check character vectors or strings for syntax errors or missing dependencies. If there is a problem with the MATLAB expression, it remains undetected until the user triggers the callback. The character vector or string you specify must consist of valid MATLAB expressions, which can include arguments to functions.

For example, the code below creates a UIAxes object and a button that plots random data on the axes when it is clicked. Notice that the character vector 'plot(ax,rand(20,3))' contains a variable, ax The variable ax must exist in the base workspace when the user triggers the callback, or MATLAB returns an error. The variable does not need to exist at the time you assign callback property value, but it must exist when the user triggers the callback.

Run the code, then click the button. Since ax exists in your base workspace, the callback command is valid, and MATLAB plots the data.

fig = uifigure;
ax = uiaxes(fig,'Position',[125 100 300 300]);
b = uibutton(fig,'Position',[225 50 100 22], ...
  'Text','Plot Data', ...

A UI figure window with an axes and a button component. The button text says "Plot Data". The axes has three lines of random data displayed on it.

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