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Create rubberband box for area selection


finalRect = rbbox(...)


rbbox initializes and tracks a rubberband box in the current figure. It sets the initial box as a 0-by-0 pixel rectangle, anchors the box at the figure's CurrentPoint, and begins tracking from this point.

rbbox(initialRect) specifies the initial location and size of the rubberband box as [x y width height], where x and y define the lower left corner, and width and height define the size. initialRect is in the units specified by the current figure's Units property, and measured from the lower left corner of the figure window. The corner of the box closest to the pointer position follows the pointer until rbbox receives a button-up event.

rbbox(initialRect,fixedPoint) specifies the corner of the box that remains fixed. All arguments are in the units specified by the current figure's Units property, and measured from the lower left corner of the figure window. fixedPoint is a two-element vector, [x y]. The tracking point is the corner diagonally opposite the anchored corner defined by fixedPoint.

rbbox(initialRect,fixedPoint,stepSize) specifies how frequently the rubberband box is updated. When the tracking point exceeds stepSize figure units, rbbox redraws the rubberband box. The default stepsize is 1.

finalRect = rbbox(...) returns a four-element vector, [x y width height], where x and y are the x and y components of the lower left corner of the box, and width and height are the size of the box.


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To interactively create an annotation rectangle in a figure, first create a program file called createRectangle.m. Within the program file:

  • Create a figure. Normalize the units of the figure by setting its Units property.

  • Block statements from executing until you click a mouse button using the waitforbuttonpress function.

  • Initialize a rubberband box using the rbbox function. Make a rectangle by clicking and dragging. When you release the mouse button, the rbbox function returns the position of the rectangle.

  • Display the rectangle using the annotation function.

function createRectangle
    pos = rbbox;

Run the program file. Create the rectangle by clicking and dragging.


A figure containing a red rectangle

To create an annotation rectangle within an Axes object, you must first disable built-in interactions. Otherwise, when you drag the rectangle, the axes will pan (in a 2-D view) or rotate (in a 3-D view). For more information about built-in interactions, see Control Chart Interactivity.

Create a program file called createRectangleInAxes.m. Within the program file:

  • Return the current figure as a variable and normalize its units.

  • Block statements from executing until you click a mouse button using the waitforbuttonpress function.

  • Initialize a rubberband box using the rbbox function. Make a rectangle by clicking and dragging. When you release the mouse button, the rbbox function returns the position of the rectangle.

  • Display the rectangle using the annotation function.

function createRectangleInAxes
    f = gcf;
    f.Units = 'normalized';
    pos = rbbox;

Then, create a chart. Disable built-in interactions by calling the disableDefaultInteractivity function.

ax = gca;

Call the program file and create the rectangle.


A chart containing a red rectangle

After creating the rectangle, you can reenable built-in interactions by calling the enableDefaultInteractivity function.



rbbox is useful for defining and resizing a rectangular region:

  • For box definition, initialRect is [x y 0 0], where (x,y) is the figure's CurrentPoint.

  • For box resizing, initialRect defines the rectangular region that you resize (e.g., a legend). fixedPoint is the corner diagonally opposite the tracking point.

rbbox returns immediately if a button is not currently pressed. Therefore, you use rbbox with waitforbuttonpress so that the mouse button is down when rbbox is called. rbbox returns when you release the mouse button.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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