Main Content

switch, case, otherwise

Execute one of several groups of statements


switch switch_expression
   case case_expression
   case case_expression


switch switch_expression, case case_expression, end evaluates an expression and chooses to execute one of several groups of statements. Each choice is a case.

The switch block tests each case until one of the case expressions is true. A case is true when:

  • For numbers, case_expression == switch_expression.

  • For character vectors, strcmp(case_expression,switch_expression) == 1.

  • For objects that support the eq function, case_expression == switch_expression. The output of the overloaded eq function must be either a logical value or convertible to a logical value.

  • For a cell array case_expression, at least one of the elements of the cell array matches switch_expression, as defined above for numbers, character vectors, and objects.

When a case expression is true, MATLAB® executes the corresponding statements and exits the switch block.

An evaluated switch_expression must be a scalar or character vector. An evaluated case_expression must be a scalar, a character vector, or a cell array of scalars or character vectors.

The otherwise block is optional. MATLAB executes the statements only when no case is true.



collapse all

Display different text conditionally, depending on a value entered at the command prompt.

n = input('Enter a number: ');

switch n
    case -1
        disp('negative one')
    case 0
    case 1
        disp('positive one')
        disp('other value')

At the command prompt, enter the number 1.

positive one

Repeat the code and enter the number 3.

other value

Determine which type of plot to create based on the value of plottype. If plottype is either 'pie' or 'pie3', create a 3-D pie chart. Use a cell array to contain both values.

x = [12 64 24];
plottype = 'pie3';

switch plottype
    case 'bar' 
        title('Bar Graph')
    case {'pie','pie3'}
        title('Pie Chart')
        warning('Unexpected plot type. No plot created.')

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object with title Pie Chart contains 12 objects of type patch, surface, text.


  • A case_expression cannot include relational operators such as < or > for comparison against the switch_expression. To test for inequality, use if, elseif, else statements.

  • The MATLAB switch statement does not fall through like a C language switch statement. If the first case statement is true, MATLAB does not execute the other case statements. For example:

    result = 52;
       case 52
          disp('result is 52')
       case {52, 78}
          disp('result is 52 or 78')
    result is 52
  • Define all variables necessary for code in a particular case within that case. Since MATLAB executes only one case of any switch statement, variables defined within one case are not available for other cases. For example, if your current workspace does not contain a variable x, only cases that define x can use it:

    switch choice
       case 1
          x = -pi:0.01:pi;
       case 2
          % does not know anything about x
  • The MATLAB break statement ends execution of a for or while loop, but does not end execution of a switch statement. This behavior is different than the behavior of break and switch in C.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

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