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Factory Reset of Parrot Drone


A factory reset of Parrot® drone clears all the data and restores the drone back to its original state. The factory reset may be required if you encounter the following problems:

  • The connection to Parrot drone over Wi-Fi® is failing, even though the connection was successful earlier.

  • Parrot drone is powering off immediately after a reboot.

Action for Parrot Mambo Drone

To perform a factory reset, follow these steps

  1. Switch on the Parrot drone and wait for the LEDs to turn green.

  2. Press the Power button again and keep it pressed for about 30 seconds. During this period:

    1. The two drone LEDs turn red alternatively and start blinking.

    2. The frequency of blinking increases indicating the last stage of the reset process.

    3. Keep the Power button pressed until the LEDs turn green.

After performing the factory reset of Parrot Mambo drone, connect the computer to the drone's Wi-Fi (see Setup and Configuration).

Action for Parrot Bebop 2 Drone

To perform a factory reset follow these steps

  1. Switch on the Bebop 2 drone and wait for the LED at the back to stop flashing.

  2. Press the Power button again and keep it pressed for about 10 seconds. After this, the Bebop 2 LEDs will flash, and the drone will restart. This will take several minutes.

After performing the factory reset of Parrot Bebop 2 drone, connect the computer to the drone's Wi-Fi (see Setup and Configuration).

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