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Converts transient analysis simulation results from Synopsys to CSV file or MATLAB table

Since R2023a


tr0Reader(inputFileName) converts the transient analysis simulation results from the FINESIM and HSPICE Synopsys® simulator to a CSV file or a MATLAB® table. If you define the OutputType as mat, the function creates a MATLAB table and saves it to a .mat file.

Synopsys saves the transient analysis simulation results in a tr0 file. The function supports regular single-part files as well as multi-part files such as tran.tr0.001 and tran.tr0.002.

If you do not define the location of the tr0 file, the function looks for them in the present working directory. If you do not define the location of the output file to be saved, the function saves them in the present working directory.

tr0Reader(inputFileName, Name=Value) converts the transient analysis simulation results using one or more name-value pair arguments in addition to the input argument in the previous syntax. Unspecified arguments take default values.


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Read the transient analysis simulation results stored in the file SITB.tr0.

Convert the results to a MATLAB® table and save it in a file name tranSimResults.mat.


Input Arguments

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Name of the tr0 file to be converted to a CSV or MAT file, specified as a string. If the file name is one file of a multipart tr0 file, the function reads all files in the multipart set.

Data Types: string

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: tr0Reader('tran.tr0',OutputType='mat',OutputFileName='tranSim') converts the simulation results contained in the tran.tr0 file to a MATLAB table named tranSim.

Location of the tr0 file that needs to be converted, specified as a string. The default location is the present working directory.

Data Types: string

Type of the output file, specified as either csv or mat.

If you define the OutputType as mat, the function creates a MATLAB table and saves it to a .mat file.

Data Types: string

Location of the converted output file that needs to be saved, specified as a string. The default location is the present working directory.

Data Types: string

Name of the converted output file, specified as a string.


If you include the character * in the file name, the function replaces the * with _A_B. A represents the simulation run number and B represents the part number when a single run is too big to fit into just one file. If there is only one run in the original data set, the function omits A. If the entire run fits into one file, the function omits B.

Data Types: string

Version History

Introduced in R2023a

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