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Sample states from uniform state sampler

Since R2023b


    states = sample(sampler) returns a state sample selected using the uniform state sampling approach.

    states = sample(sampler,numsamples) returns the specified number of state samples.



    collapse all

    Use Default State Space as Input

    Create a uniform state sampler with default properties. By default, the sampler uses the SE(2) state space as the configuration space for motion planning. The limits of the state variables [x, y, theta] in the default state space are [-100 100; -100 100; -3.1416 3.1416]. The values of x and y are in meters. theta is in radians.

    sampler = stateSamplerUniform;

    Check the bounds of the input state space.

    bounds = sampler.StateSpace.StateBounds
    bounds = 3×2
     -100.0000  100.0000
     -100.0000  100.0000
       -3.1416    3.1416

    Sample the input state space. Set the number of samples to select as 10.

    states = sample(sampler,10);

    Check the sampled state variables.

       62.9447   81.1584   -2.3437
       82.6752   26.4718   -2.5287
      -44.3004    9.3763    2.8746
       92.9777  -68.4774    2.9568
       91.4334   -2.9249    1.8867
      -71.6227  -15.6477    2.6121
       58.4415   91.8985    0.9785
      -92.8577   69.8259    2.7269
       35.7470   51.5480    1.5276
      -21.5546   31.0956   -2.0660

    Use Custom State Space as Input

    Define a custom SE(2) state space by specifying the limits of the state variables [x, y, theta]. The values of x and y are in meters. theta is in radians.

    ss = stateSpaceSE2([-1 1; -2 2; -pi/2 pi/2]);

    Create a uniform state sampler with the custom state space as input.

    sampler = stateSamplerUniform(ss);

    Sample the input state space. Set the number of samples to select as 10.

    states = sample(sampler,10);

    Check the sampled state variables.

        0.4121   -1.8727   -0.7008
       -0.9077   -1.6115    1.0162
        0.3897   -0.7316    1.4144
       -0.9311   -0.2450   -0.3721
        0.5310    1.1808   -0.9837
       -0.0205   -0.2177    0.4597
        0.4187    1.0187   -0.7036
        0.3594    0.6204   -1.0599
       -0.7620   -0.0065    1.4443
       -0.3192    0.3411   -0.8677

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    State sampler object, specified as a stateSamplerUniform object.

    Number of samples, specified as a positive integer.

    Data Types: double

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    State samples, returned as an M-by-N matrix of real values. M is the number of states. N is the number of state variables. Each row of the matrix specifies the state variables corresponding to the input state space model. For example, for the SE(2) state space model, N is 3, and each row is of the form [x, y, theta].

    Data Types: double

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023b