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Convert broadside angle to azimuth angle


az = broadside2az(bsang) returns the azimuth angle, az, corresponding to the broadside angle, bsang, for zero elevation angle. Angles are defined with respect to the local coordinate system.


az = broadside2az(bsang,el) also specifies the elevation angle, el.



collapse all

Return the azimuth angle corresponding to a broadside angle of 45° at 0° elevation.

az = broadside2az(45.0)
az = 

Return the azimuth angle corresponding to a broadside angle of 45° and an elevation angle of 20°.

az = broadside2az(45,20)
az = 

Return azimuth angles for 10 pairs of broadside angle and elevation angle.

BSang = (45:5:90)';
el = (45:-5:0)';
az = broadside2az(BSang,el);

Input Arguments

collapse all

Broadside angle, specified as a scalar or vector of real values. Units are in degrees. This argument supports single and double precision.

Example: [10;-22;-80]

Elevation angle, specified as a scalar or vector of real values. The length of el must match the length of bsang. Elevation angles lie in the range from –90° to 90°. Units are in degrees. This argument supports single and double precision.

Example: [5;2;-1]

Output Arguments

collapse all

Azimuth angle, returned as a scalar or vector of real values. The length of azequals the length of bsang. Azimuth angles lie in the range from –180° to 180°. Units are in degrees.

More About

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Broadside Angle

Broadside angles are useful in describing the response pattern of a uniform linear array (ULA).

For the definition of the broadside angle and how to convert between azimuth and elevation, and broadside angle see Broadside Angles. For definitions of the azimuth and elevation angles, see Azimuth and Elevation Angles.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2011a

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