Data Synthesis
Simulate radar data at different levels of abstraction–probabilistic or physics-based. For faster simulations, generate probabilistic radar detections and tracks to test tracking and sensor fusion algorithms. For higher fidelity physics-based simulations, model transmitted waveforms that propagate through the environment, reflect off targets, and are received at the radar. Transition from probabilistic models to the physics-based models programmatically. Simulate multipath propagation, clutter, interference, and target echoes. Define targets as simple geometric shapes or complex structures such as a walking pedestrian or a moving bicyclist. Model both active and passive sensors that scan mechanically or electronically in azimuth and elevation. Extract micro-Doppler signatures to classify radar detections and tracks.
Backscatter Bicyclist | Backscatter signals from bicyclist (Since R2021a) |
Backscatter Pedestrian | Backscatter signals from pedestrian (Since R2021a) |
Barrage Jammer | Barrage jammer interference source (Since R2021a) |
Constant Gamma Clutter | Constant gamma clutter simulation (Since R2021a) |
GPU Constant Gamma Clutter | Constant gamma clutter simulation using gpu (Since R2021a) |
Radar Data Generator | Generate radar sensor detections and tracks (Since R2021b) |
Detection Concatenation | Combine detection reports from different sensors |
Two-Ray Channel | Two-ray channel environment (Since R2021a) |
Wideband Two-Ray Channel | Wideband two-ray channel environment (Since R2021a) |
Pulse Waveform Library | Library of pulse waveforms (Since R2021a) |
- Barrage Jammer
Create jamming signals that can reduce a receiver’s target detection performance.
- Clutter Modeling
Reflections from land and sea can overwhelm a target echo. Use these tools to simulate clutter.
- Measurement Accuracy, Bias, and Resolution
Measurement accuracy and resolution are related concepts that are often confused with one another.
- Two-Ray Multipath Propagation
A two-ray propagation channel is the next step up in complexity from a free-space channel and is the simplest case of a multipath propagation environment.
- Convert Detections to objectDetection Format
Convert detections in the native format of the sensor into objectDetection objects.