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Plot clutter region in theater plot

Since R2022b


plotClutterRegion(plotter,plotterData) uses the clutter region plotter to display clutter regions specified by the data plotterData.



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Create a clutterRegionPlotter object from a theaterPlot object. Fill a clutter region data structure plotdata and then plot the region.

tp = theaterPlot;
clutrregion = clutterRegionPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Clutter Regions');
plotdata = struct('X',[0 1 1 0],'Y',[0 0 1.5 1.5],'RegionPlotHeight',25)
plotdata = struct with fields:
                   X: [0 1 1 0]
                   Y: [0 0 1.5000 1.5000]
    RegionPlotHeight: 25


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains an object of type patch. This object represents Clutter Regions.

Create a quadrilateral clutterRegionPlotter object from a theaterPlot object. Set the clutter region data structure plotdata and then plot the region. Set an edge color and a face color.

Choose the four vertices of the quadrilateral. Set the region plot height to 25 m.

p1 = [1 4];
p2 = [5 3.5];
p3 = [3 1];
p4 = [0.9 1];
X = [p1(1) p2(1) p3(1) p4(1)];
Y = [p1(2) p2(2) p3(2) p4(2)];
tp = theaterPlot;
clutrregion = clutterRegionPlotter(tp,'DisplayName', ...
    'Clutter Region','RegionFaceColor','y', ...
    'RegionEdgeColor',[.6 .2 .3]);
plotdata = struct('X',X,'Y',Y,'RegionPlotHeight',25)
plotdata = struct with fields:
                   X: [1 5 3 0.9000]
                   Y: [4 3.5000 1 1]
    RegionPlotHeight: 25


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains an object of type patch. This object represents Clutter Region.

Create two clutter adjacent regions.

tp = theaterPlot;
clutp = clutterRegionPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Clutter Regions');
pd = struct('X',[0 1.1; 1 2.1; 1 2.1; 0 1.1],'Y', ...
    [-1 -1; -1 -1;1 1; 1 1],'RegionPlotHeight',20);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains an object of type patch. This object represents Clutter Regions.

Input Arguments

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ClutterRegionPlotter object, created by the clutterRegionPlotter function.

Plot data, specified as a structure. You can directly create this argument by using the clutterRegionData function. To create this argument manually, specify each structure with these fields.

Field NameDescription
Xx-coordinates of region specified as a M-by-N matrix. Each column contains the x-coordinates of a different clutter region. N is the number of clutter regions.
Yy-coordinates of region specified as a M-by-N matrix. Each column contains the y-coordinates of a different clutter region. N is the number of clutter regions.
RegionPlotHeightHeight of the clutter region, specified as a scalar. The same height applies to all regions.
PatchCentersPatch centers, specified as a 3-by-N matrix where each column is a patch center position in scenario coordinates.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b