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Create data structure used as input to clutter region plotter

Since R2022b


plotterData = clutterRegionData(cluttergen) creates a plotter data structure plotterData from a ClutterGenerator object cluttergen. The data structure is used as input to the plotClutterRegion function.


data = clutterRegionData(cluttergen,plotheight) also specifies the height plotheight of the clutter region.


collapse all

Create a radar scenario with a radarDataGenerator object attached to a platform.

scenario = radarScenario;
rdr = radarDataGenerator(1,'no scanning', ...
    'FieldOfView',[30 30],'MountingAngles',[0 45 0]);
platform(scenario,'Sensors',rdr,'Position',[0 0 1e3]);

Enable clutter generation using the clutterGenerator.

clut = clutterGenerator(scenario,rdr);

Run the scenario for one frame.

dets = detect(scenario);

Create a theater plotter with an associated clutterRegionPlotter. Then plot the default clutter region.

tp = theaterPlot;
regPlotter = clutterRegionPlotter(tp, ...
    "DisplayName","Radar beam footprint");
regPlotterData = clutterRegionData(clut);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains an object of type patch. This object represents Radar beam footprint.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Clutter generator, specified as a ClutterGenerator object.

Height for all regions, specified as a scalar. Units are in meters.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Plotter data structure, returned as a struct.

Field NameDescription
Xx-coordinates of region specified as a M-by-N matrix. Each column contains the x-coordinates of a different clutter region. N is the number of clutter regions.
Yy-coordinates of region specified as a M-by-N matrix. Each column contains the y-coordinates of a different clutter region. N is the number of clutter regions.
RegionPlotHeightHeight of the clutter region, specified as a scalar. The same height applies to all regions.
PatchCentersPatch centers, specified as a 3-by-N matrix where each column is a patch center position in scenario coordinates.

The units for all fields of the struct are in meters. The RegionPlotHeight field is obtained from the plotheight input argument.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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