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Set operating conditions


setop(h) lists the available values for all operating conditions of the object h. Operating conditions only apply to objects you import from a .p2d or .s2d file. To import these types of data into an object, use the read method. Operating conditions are not listed with other properties of an object.


setop(h,'Condition1') lists the available values for the specified operating condition 'Condition1'.

setop(h,'Condition1',value1,'Condition2',value2,...) changes the operating conditions of the circuit or data object, h, to those specified by the condition/value pairs. Conditions you do not specify retain their original values. The method ignores any conditions that are not applicable to the specified object. Ignoring these conditions lets you apply the same set of operating conditions to an entire network where different conditions exist for different components.


When you set the operating conditions for a network that contains several objects, the software does not issue an error or warning if the specified conditions cannot be applied to all objects. For some networks, this lack of error or warning lets you call the setop method once to apply the same set of operating conditions to any objects where operating conditions are applicable. However, you may want to specify a network that contains one or more of the following:

  • Several objects with different sets of operating conditions.

  • Several objects with the same set of operating conditions that are configured differently.

To specify operating conditions one of these types of networks, use a separate call to the setop method for each object.



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List the operating conditions of an RF amplifier object.

ckt1 = read(rfckt.amplifier,'default.p2d');
Operating conditions set 1:
    {'Bias'}    {'1.5'}

Analyze an RF amplifier under specific operating conditions set using the function setop.

ckt1 = read(rfckt.amplifier, 'default.p2d');
freq = ckt1.AnalyzedResult.Freq;
setop(ckt1, 'Bias', '1.5');
analyze(ckt1, freq)
ans = 
   rfckt.amplifier with properties:

         NoiseData: [1x1 rfdata.noise]
     NonlinearData: [1x1 rfdata.p2d]
          IntpType: 'Linear'
       NetworkData: [1x1]
             nPort: 2
    AnalyzedResult: [1x1]
              Name: 'Amplifier'

Input Arguments

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Object used to set the operating conditions, specified as an RF circuit object.

Version History

Introduced in R2007a