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Simulink Name

Insert name of a Simulink model, system, block, or signal into report


This component inserts the name of a Simulink® model, system, block, or signal into the report.

Using this component as the first child component of a Chapter/Subsection component allows the current Simulink model, system block, or signal name to be the chapter or section title.


  • Object type

    • Automatic: Automatically selects the appropriate model, system, block, or signal name as the Simulink object name to include in the report. If the Model Loop component is the parent component, the object name is the current model name. If the System Loop, Block Loop, or Signal Loop is the parent component, then the object name is the name of the current system, block, or signal, respectively.

    • Model: Includes the current model name in the report.

    • System: Includes the current system name in the report.

    • Block: Includes the current block name in the report.

    • Signal: Includes the current signal name in the report. If the signal name is empty, the signal <handle>, which is a unique numerical identifier to that signal, appears in the report.

    • Annotation: Includes the current annotation name in the report.

  • Display name as: Display the Simulink object name in the report.

    • Name: For example, f14

    • Type Name: For example, Model f14

    • Type - Name: For example, Model - f14

    • Type: Name: For example, Model: f14

  • Show full path name: Displays the full path of a system or block. Choosing this option for a block causes the Simulink block name to appear as <Model Name>/<System Name>/<Block Name>.


    This option is not available for models or signals.

Insert Anything into Report?

Yes. Text.



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