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Set default code settings for data category

Since R2021a



    setDataDefault(myCoderDictionaryObj,category,Name,Value) sets the default storage class and storage class property values in the code mappings for the specified category of model data.


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    Use the coder.mapping.api.get function to access the CoderDictionary object associated with the data dictionary.

    cm = coder.mapping.api.get('codeDefinitions.sldd');

    To see the storage class of root-level inports for the dictionary, use the getDataDefault function.

    value = getDataDefault(cm, 'Inports', 'StorageClass')
    value =

    The dictionary uses the default storage class for inports.

    To configure the storage class, use the setDataDefault function.

    setDataDefault(cm, 'Inports', 'StorageClass', 'ExportedGlobal')

    To verify that the storage class of inports is now set to ExportedGlobal, use the getDataDefault function.

    value = getDataDefault(cm, 'Inports', 'StorageClass')
    value =

    Input Arguments

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    Coder dictionary object returned by a call to function coder.mapping.api.get.

    Category of data elements to return a property value for.

    Example: 'Inports'

    Name-Value Arguments

    Example: 'StorageClass','ExportedGlobal'

    Specify comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside quotes. You can specify several name and value pair arguments as Name1,Value1,…,NameN,ValueN. The order of the name and value pair arguments does not matter.

    Storage class to set for the specified data element category. The name of a predefined storage class or storage class that is defined in the Embedded Coder Dictionary associated with the model. Values that you can specify vary depending on the category that you specify. See Choose Storage Class for Controlling Data Representation in Generated Code.

    Example: 'StorageClass','ImportedExtern'

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021a