Function Caller
Call Simulink or exported Stateflow function
Simulink /
User-Defined Functions
A Function Caller block calls and executes a function defined with a Simulink Function block or an exported Stateflow® function. Using Function Caller blocks, you can call a function from anywhere in a model or chart hierarchy.
You can select a Simulink Function or Function Caller block to highlight related blocks. If one or more of the related blocks are in a subsystem or referenced model, the related blocks and the Subsystem block or Model block that contains the related blocks are also highlighted.
To show a related block in an open diagram or new tab, pause on the ellipsis that appears after you select a Simulink Function or Function Caller block. Then, select Related Blocks from the action bar. When multiple blocks correspond to the selected block, a list of related blocks opens. You can filter the list by entering a search term in the text box. After you select a related block from the list, window focus goes to the open diagram or new tab that shows the related block.
To generate code for a model that uses the Function Caller block to
call and execute a Simulink® or exported Stateflow function asynchronously, you must set model configuration parameter
System target file to autosar_adapative.tlc
For other system target file settings, clear Function Caller block
parameter Execute function call asynchronously.
Block Characteristics
Data Types |
Direct Feedthrough |
Multidimensional Signals |
Variable-Size Signals |
Zero-Crossing Detection |