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Switched Reluctance Motor

Model the dynamics of switched reluctance motor

  • Switched Reluctance Motor block

Simscape / Electrical / Specialized Power Systems / Electrical Machines


The Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) block represents three most common switched reluctance motors: three-phase 6/4 SRM, four-phase 8/6 SRM, five-phase 10/8 SRM, as shown in the following figure.

The electric part of the motor is represented by a nonlinear model based on the magnetization characteristic composed of several magnetizing curves and on the torque characteristic computed from the magnetization curves. The mechanic part is represented by a state-space model based on inertia moment and viscous friction coefficient.

To be versatile, two models are implemented for the SRM block: specific and generic models. In the specific SRM model, the magnetization characteristic of the motor is provided in a lookup table. The values are obtained by experimental measurement or calculated by finite-element analysis. In the generic model, the magnetization characteristic is calculated using nonlinear functions and readily available parameters.




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Mechanical load torque (in N.m). TL is positive in motor operation and negative in generator operation.


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Vector containing several signals. You can demultiplex these signals by using the Bus Selector block from Simulink® library.





Stator voltages



Flux linkage



Stator currents



Electromagnetic torque



Rotor speed



Rotor position



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Specialized electrical conserving port associated with phase A.

Specialized electrical conserving port associated with phase A.

Specialized electrical conserving port associated with phase B.

Specialized electrical conserving port associated with phase B.

Specialized electrical conserving port associated with phase C.

Specialized electrical conserving port associated with phase C.

Specialized electrical conserving port associated with phase D.


To enable this port, set Type to 8/6, 10/8, 8/6 (75 kw preset model), or 10/8 (10 kw preset model).

Specialized electrical conserving port associated with phase D.


To enable this port, set Type to 8/6, 10/8, 8/6 (75 kw preset model), or 10/8 (10 kw preset model).

Specialized electrical conserving port associated with phase E.


To enable this port, set Type to 10/8 or 10/8 (10 kw preset model).

Specialized electrical conserving port associated with phase E.


To enable this port, set Type to 10/8 or 10/8 (10 kw preset model).


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To edit block parameters interactively, use the Property Inspector. From the Simulink Toolstrip, on the Simulation tab, in the Prepare gallery, select Property Inspector.


Set to 6/4 (default) to specify a three-phase 6/4 motor.

Set to 8/6 to specify a four-phase 8/6 motor.

Set to 10/8 to specify a five-phase 10/8 motor.

Set to 6/4 (60 kw preset model), 8/6 (75 kw preset model), or 10/8 (10 kw preset model) to use a predetermined specific model of a switched reluctance motor. When you use these presets, you do not need to specify the parameters in the Model tab.

Resistance Rs (Ω) of each stator phase winding.

Inertia momentum J (kg.m2).

Friction coefficient B (N.m.s).

Initial rotation speed w0 (rad/s) and initial rotor position Theta0 (rad).

Sample time used by the block. To inherit the sample time specified in the Powergui block, set this parameter to −1.


Select Generic model (default) or Specific model. The Model tab is modified accordingly.

Stator inductance when the rotor is in unaligned position Lq (H).


To enable this parameter, set Machine model to Generic model.

Unsaturated stator inductance when the rotor is in aligned position Ld (H).


To enable this parameter, set Machine model to Generic model.

Saturated stator inductance when the rotor is in aligned position Ldsat (H).


To enable this parameter, set Machine model to Generic model.

Stator maximum current Im (A).


To enable this parameter, set Machine model to Generic model.

Maximum flux linkage ψm (Wb or V.s) corresponding to Im.


To enable this parameter, set Machine model to Generic model.

If selected, the mask plots the magnetization curves corresponding to the lookup table provided. The magnetization curves represent the machine flux linkage versus the stator current with the rotor position as a parameter.

Select Dialog to specify the magnetization characteristic directly in the mask of the block. Select Mat file (default) to specify the magnetization characteristic from data in a MAT file.


To enable this parameter, set Machine model to Specific model.

When the Source parameter is set to Dialog, enter the 2-D lookup table containing the flux linkage as a function of stator current and rotor position.

When the Source parameter is set to MAT-file, enter the name of the MAT-file that contains the 2-D lookup table flux linkage table, the rotor angle vector, and the stator current vector. The MAT-file must contain these three variable names: FTBL, RotorAngles, and StatorCurrents.


To enable this parameter, set Machine model to Generic model.

Rotor position Θ (deg) for which the flux linkage is specified.


To enable this parameter, set Machine model to Generic model and Source to Dialog.

The stator current Is (A) for which the flux linkage is specified.


To enable this parameter, set Machine model to Generic model and Source to Dialog.


[1] T.J.E. Miller, Switched Reluctance Motors and Their Control, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993.

[2] R. Krishnan, Switched Reluctance Motor Drives, CRC Press, 2001.

[3] D.A. Torrey, X.M. Niu, E.J. Unkauf, “Analytical modelling of variable-reluctance machine magnetisation characteristics,” IEE Proceedings - Electric Power Applications, Vol. 142, No. 1, January 1995, pp. 14-22.

[4] H. Le-Huy, P. Brunelle, “Design and Implementation of a Switched Reluctance Motor Generic Model for Simulink SimPowerSystems,” Electrimacs 2005 Conference.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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