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Three-Phase Matrix Converter

This example shows a three-phase matrix converter driving a static load and drawing unity power factor at the source.

Graham Dudgeon, Senior Consultant, The MathWorks, Inc.


The system consists of a three-phase matrix converter (MC) constructed from 9 back-to-back IGBT switches. The MC is supplied by an ideal 60Hz three-phase source and drives a static resistive load at 60Hz. The switching algorithm is based on an indirect space-vector modulation described in [1] which considers the MC as a rectifier and inverter connected via a DC link with no energy storage. Indirect space-vector modulation allows direct control of input current and output voltage and hence allows the power factor of the source to be controlled. The switching algorithm utilizes a symmetric switching sequence described in [2].

No filters are included in the model so that the construction of the waveforms can be clearly seen.


Start the simulation. Observe from Scope 'Source' that the MC draws unity power factor.


[1] Huber, L. and Borojevic, D., 'Space Vector Modulated Three-Phase to Three-Phase Matrix Converter with Input power Factor Correction', IEEE® Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 31, No. 6, November/December 1995.

[2] Prasad, V.H., 'Analysis and Comparison of Space Vector Modulation Schemes For Three-Leg and Four-leg Voltage Source Inverters', Masters Thesis, Electrical Engineering, Virginia Tech, May 15, 1997.

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