Chart Execution
Determine the sequence of chart actions during execution
Learn how a chart enters or exits states and when actions occur during execution.
- Execution of a Stateflow Chart
An overview of Stateflow® chart life cycle.
- Enter a Chart or State
Initialization of charts and states.
- Exit a State
Transition out of an active state.
- Evaluate Transitions
Execute transitions between states.
- Group and Execute Transitions
Execute default, inner, and outer transition paths.
- Super Step Semantics
Execute multiple transitions for every time step or input event.
- Visualize Chart Execution with the Activity Profiler
Visualize the duration that a state is active, times that a transition is taken, and how often a function is called within a Stateflow chart.
- Connect Dashboard Blocks to Stateflow
Dashboard blocks help you to control and visualize your Stateflow chart during simulation and while your simulation is paused.